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Favorite TheIndianMarine/Neo-Cheeks Discord message?

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We’re conquerors, raiders. Based on an Op order, we annihilate everything and everyone absolutely mercilessly until we complete the mission. The army just takes over what we just laid  siege to. Kinda like we say to hold our beer and that’s what the army does when we need someone to hold our beer. The battle of fallujah in Iraq is a modern example of that.


Ahh man you make it so easy for me. I'm out of your league with this one my guy. At this point i'm just suffering from success and ahead of the curve. The euro is also pegged to the british pound pegged to the swiss franc pegged to the japanese yen etc. All its valuations is denominated from the dollar so yeah. I've used euro in the UK as well as pounds when I go to see my boys over there. so you're wrong.









Wdym my chick in cali is from norcal and she drove me all over napa valley and sonoma county area I've tried lot of different types there but the best wine I've ever had was in italy that blew me away it was the perfect balance of taste, sweetness, and being complimentary to the food 



The cheeks have gone home. Went for a 5 mile hike/run ran some errands and now about to chill with some tv and some raising canes

- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



Dam man whats with all these pings can't a brother plow some cheeks in peace? goodness gracious


I’m pretty good at it hitting all the right spots and quick learner of a woman’s body and all that but idk who Victoria is


Idk what qanon is and she knows I understand and that I'm always ahead of the curve unlike most people and she's seen the proof of that to want to be with me even more for it but thats besides the point. I'm not a nazi either I just hear everyones sides of the different stories before I decide what makes the most sense. I don't just hear the first person spouting crap and think "this is the first thing I heard about this so this must be true" thats some dumb fk shit


Go try some expensive merlots and find out. I don't like super sweet like I'm eating candied steak so just the right touch is what I'm looking for but yeah generally you get them dry I don't like it too dry or bitter when I'm trying to savour the flavor of steak cause it would just ruin a good steak. There's not too many good merlot out stateside unless you're buying import which is what I usually do but they're more expensive


You’re not the only one that gets to ask stupid questions or make stupid statements in this town pal


Wdym? I gotta be careful man you look at some of these latinas wrong and they’ll get pregnant https://discord.com/assets/847e86eb6d36acaea086.svg sheesh. My washer and dryer has been putting in work man cleaning off my sheets so the next one don’t know there was one there before


oh okay, I got a buddy whos a marine infantry machine gunner mowed downed hundreds of towelheads

Edited by Blogs
  • Haha 1
- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



Yes and intel has shown they’re doing war game training to raid the underground bunkers they own to their nuclear silos supposedly. That’s directly from the us army news site I think. That’s exactly why I say most people don’t have a fking clue as to how close we are. At this point it’s just playing chicken to see who’s going to pull the trigger first and put all of the blame on who


they probably already have the intel on that but that part is definitely classified


just because you're conditioned to be a cuck doesn't mean thats the natural order of things there's a reason women respond to men in a certain biological way


no dude wtf runescape is my happy place I dont want her here knowing my secret fun life


Sorry im cleaning my place up for a chick coming over later to get her cheeks clapped


Ahh man you make it so easy for me. I'm out of your league with this one my guy. At this point i'm just suffering from success and ahead of the curve. The euro is also pegged to the british pound pegged to the swiss franc pegged to the japanese yen etc. All its valuations is denominated from the dollar so yeah. I've used euro in the UK as well as pounds when I go to see my boys over there. so you're wrong.


id say start stocking up on ammo especially now because with increasing inflation cause shortages of everything and prices as time goes on. the cheapest anything will be today because they won't allow deflation to happen hence the money printing


No bad deed goes unpunished, the west will learn what that mean's in due time unfortunately

- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



The way you’re crying now is if you went to court with your boyfriend and tell the judge he hurt me did all this blah blah blah. Okay so where’s the proof? Well there’s no proof I just want him to pay cause I can’t have my way. You just get your case dismissed on some bs like that which is why the data matters and that’s what I look at I don’t care for the emotional shit









First off I don't recognize you as brother; we aren't the same. You continuously keep having a problem with my name. I have a social presence online outside of this discord and that's the name I always had, not gonna change it for your inferiority complex or whatever. That's a you problem not a me problem. You're talking to me about peanuts and high school basketball and I'm talking about the NBA. The fact that anything I've already explain twice to you goes over your head shows you clearly are hitting a mental wall and can't process what I'm saying. Ironicly you talk about your friend sayin he doesn't care about his service then try to reverse saying "I back up my statements based on what people tell you" At this point you just sound like an internet troll trying to play it off as some intellectual which I can't recognize to begin with because you can't tell me anything further than some books you read. You've got nothing to contribute so there's nothing to talk about. All the crap you're crying is about is the same level of discussion some indoctrinated college kid is waving around a sign for somewhere without know. You can cry all day about all these problems but what are you going to do about it? Nothing but keyboard warrior so nothing changes. All of this shit comes down to funding, no matter what "change" you wanna be a do gooder about its all just hopes and dreams without it and there isn't much funding left without imploding the rest of the global society.

- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



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