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Who is going to be the next US President.

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In your humble opinion, who do you think will win?


by how much? and why do you think this candidate will beat the other one?


If you could vote (even though you are not american) who would you vote for? 




Edited by Nanne30



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A lot. The assassination attempt basically guarantees it. Also, no one is for Kamala, they're against Trump. The cackling halfwit had basically 0 support in the last primary, and then Tulsi used her 99 Hawaiian to roast a pig and that was that.



kamala.. given recent interviews i believe the black vote is going all in on kamala. Not to mention alot of people have adopted anyone but trump mentality, i believe it will be a close race regardless.


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In your humble opinion, who do you think will win?



by how much? and why do you think this candidate will beat the other one?


If you could vote (even though you are not american) who would you vote for? 

Trump just for the luls



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I honestly have no idea anymore. I never thought Trump could win in 2016, but this country is so mentally fucked that we don't even get to vote for policy anymore. Currently the right is basically just something I could never support because of their views on so many groups of people and the left is running their entire platform on "look at least we aren't that." As much as I'd like to vote for what I actually believe in, I have to vote to support humanitarian rights and to uphold democracy. There may be fiscal policy that I disagree with, but I no longer have the luxury of considering that in my decision. I think Kamala will be just what Joe Biden was, an adequate president that does an ok job. I wouldn't vote for her unless I had to. I think Donald Trump inspires too much hate and uses far too concerning rhetoric for me to ever consider voting for him.


As far as who will win, I'm hoping Kamala Harris does, I guess. I'm a white male, so I'm pretty unconcerned with who wins in regards to myself. But if Trump wins, it's likely that my gf and I will leave the country once she finishes her PhD. 

Hopefully Kamala but Americans never cease to amaze me so I wouldn't put it past them to put a weird, broke, felon, pedo retard back into the white house.





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