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Ripped foreskin need help ASAP


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This is quite embarrassing but I was just messing around with some things and I have ripped my foreskin quite badly. The tip is split about half a centimeter down and one half is separated quite a lot. I have been holding tissues against it but the bleeding hasn't stopped so now I have tried to make a tourniquet from a sock and shoelace and am unsure how tight to wrap it but I can going to keep it on there for as long as I can.


I cannot go to my doctor as he is known to my family and many people I know and it's just too embarrassing to show him and tell him how it happened. Does anyone know what I could do I am panicking quite a lot and worried I may lose my penis. I took a picture before tying the tourniquet if any doctors could please look and advise me.

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brother, it best to be clean cut. just snip it off. or go see your doc, dont be a pussy.


balls in your court.


@etheroxx on Twitter for GFX needs 🙂


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Praying for you goyim


IBM Thinkpad - IM Wojak

Previously The Stricken Cards - License 2 Kill - Infinite Lurers - Reign of Terror

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