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Concord Failure - Officially the Biggest Gaming Disaster of All Time?

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After 8 years of development, $200m invested, and an insane monetary structure for the game, Concord was released last week to much skepticism. Dubbed as a game similar in play style to Overwatch, and soon to be released game Marvel RIvals, Concord was riddled with skepticism for many years before release.


Upon release this week, the game did not even reach 1000 concurrent players and has been seen as low as 27 concurrent players as of today. Keep in mind this game was released as a AAA game at full price this week.


Today, Sony released a statement saying that Concord has been shut down, removed from the game stores, and all players will be offered refunds.




Is this the biggest gaming release failure of all time? How will this impact Sony’s bottom line? Will you be playing Marvel Rivals? Please discuss.














When the top title of your genre (Overwatch) is dying and OW2 was universally panned - it's not a good sign for the genre of shooter. This was destined to be a stinker 


IBM Thinkpad - IM Wojak

Previously The Stricken Cards - License 2 Kill - Infinite Lurers - Reign of Terror

bad advertisement bcause i heard nothing of this game and im pretty active in the gaming community


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Road to maxing-2269/2277     

Collection logs: 646/1,000


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