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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)


Previous: KrazieNRG, KrazieLOL(?)

Preferred Name 

Current Clan

Previous Clan History
FT - Forgotten Templars; Pre RS3, when Finish Ed played alot before disappearing.

TT - The Titans; Pre RS3

EOS - Echo of Silence; Pre RS3 ? I only remember doing like a 10 hour war with this double rainbow clan

I did do pure clanning as well Pre-RS3, Corrupted Pures, Fatality, Euroption of Pures, Mayhem Makers



DF - Divine Forces - OSRS, start of OSRS servers



Who do you know in Tempest?
A few of you, by looking at the members list. True, David.

Alot of familiar names as well, that may or may not be the same people from DF or previous clan(s).


How did you find/hear about Tempest?
I logged into RuneScape and saw True_2k. Googled him to see what kind of shenanigans he was up to. (of if he was even on this anymore) Saw that he was here.

Are you interested in joining?

Brief Introduction
Hi, I started playing runescape back in ~07, and started clanning at around -09 and ended when RS3 was introduced. Came back to the old school servers about a month after release, where I ran into Lovelost/Trivium (met him Pre RS3 in Forgotten Templars) at random  weeks later, and he had introduced me to Divine Forces., which got me back into clanning.

I dont remember much of this game, or around that time, other than doing the grinds, DKs, GWD with our crappiest gears and levels we had.  Eventually life happened and RuneScape did not exist for me, I probably last played in 2016/2017 or 2018.

I hope to meet all of you, as I believe clanning, clan activities etc was the only thing that kept me back at this game, and back again.




Edited by NRG
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