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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)
- Jaseyb

Preferred Name 
- Jason 

Current Clan
- none

Previous Clan History
- DI


Who do you know in Tempest?
- I see lots of DI avatars so I’m guessing a few people but it’s been a long time!


How did you find/hear about Tempest?
- abyss vid

Are you interested in joining?
- yes

Brief Introduction
- I played the game way back and was a warlord in DI. Led some pk trips, made a few (terrible) pk vids and got fully involved in the clan world… and then I got old.


But life has come full circle and I’ve found myself back on the game if only for a few hours a week. I’ve lost connection with all of my old friends and am playing the game solo which is pretty grim. If I could jump on for the odd pk trip at the weekend or dare I say even a raid that would be cool.


Saw an abyss video, saw Brian, saw the clan, saw the di avatars and here we are!

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