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Divine Forces AMA - Bountyhuntur & Homedawg90


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Dude, it's been 14 years, yes this joke has got to be old by this point, buttttttttttttttttt did you ever come up with a polite way to tell a woman "that you would like to plow her"


? miss you man, always great to get those little talks over the years.




Favorite pasta dish????????????????????????????????????????


Hope you're doing well Alex(es) 





Did you just pick two Alex's for the DF AMA???

Edited by Kiwi

DF 11/7/06 - 12/31/16

ahri sig.png

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26 minutes ago, Homedawg said:


Lil2, Flinstoneman, PeterH, Murdock. These guys were reliable. I had pulled Lil2 out of retirement one time because I felt I 'needed him' to prevail. 





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43 minutes ago, true said:

What athlete or coach do you feel has similar leadership traits to you?

I think Chris Petersen. They guy's whole point is to help others grow and excel, and that's what I love about leadership. I want to help people thrive.


26 minutes ago, true said:

I don't know much about Flin apart from stories and the forums DM's he send me when he was stoned. Could you tell me more about him and what made him arguably the best warlord in DF history?

LOL sounds about right. The guy just did everything right as a warlord, but outside of that he was a genuinely nice guy who gained the respect of everyone. He just gave off serious leader vibes to me, and always had great input to give. It's been so long so I can't remember specific scenarios, but he is one of the few people I can think of who had instantly impressed me.

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Did you guys ever meet someone named Austin P ? He's a friend of mine and when he and I were active in the same community, he talked a fair bit about DF despite never being in the clan officially afaik and said he knew a lot of people there, having nothing but good things to say. Not sure if it was during your time however, but I know True knows him. If you did meet him, thoughts?


If you were to come back to clanning today would you go back to DF, would you join Tempest, would you seek to open a new clan, or would you join another clan entirely? And what would be the reasoning behind your choice(s)? 


Follow up from that - do you think you'll ever return to clanning in some capacity? If the answer is no for any reason but just refusing to return - what would have to change for you to come back, whether it be irl circumstances or with the clanning community/the game?


Do you guys still play the game despite not really being part of clanning? Other games?


What are interesting reasons you had to reprimand / remove members from the clan during your time in leadership, if any? (Even if it wasn't you directly removing them but another rank/the leader)


As you guys were mostly retired throughout later rs2 / rs3 / OSRS are there any things you regret missing out on during these eras? 


Most overrated clan you've encountered during your time?


Clan you had the best opinion of and why?


Clan you had the worst opinion of and why?


Least favorite members and why / least favorite official you've had the (dis)pleasure of being part of a rank team with and why? 








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When do you feel DF hit it's peak and what actions do you think lead you there?

Proud Tempest - Guest > Verified Guest > Bunny Guest > Verified Guest > Bunny Guest > Intro > Applicant > Member


Please if you spot these missing robes, have them returned to Panda|Mike for a reward.






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Most of these are directed at @Bunty I guess, but I'd be interested in @Homedawg's thoughts on some of the ones below that he thinks would be applicable to him as well.



DF had, either deservedly or not, a reputation of mass recruiting dead clans in order to boost themselves up.  Why do you think that DF seemed to have a lot more long term and permanent success of absorbing these clans compared to other clans that tended to gained power in the short term and then lose most of those members pretty quickly?



On the same note, what clan that joined DF in large numbers do you think fit in to DF's community the easiest and most successfully (Not battlefield success, but community wise)?  DS feels like the obvious answer so just curious what you would say more in depth on how they fit into the community of DF, or if its another clan then Im curious who you would say.



What was the hardest challenge you had to overcome as DF's leader?  Was it the post Death240 retirement slump, the earlier days of the Corr rivalry, or any other moments that stick out over those for you?



Was there every any other clan you admired or could have seen yourself in if DF didn't exist during your active years?  I always find this one a weird one to try to think back on from a personal stand point.

Edited by Blue Wall


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22 minutes ago, Kiwi said:



Dude, it's been 14 years, yes this joke has got to be old by this point, buttttttttttttttttt did you ever come up with a polite way to tell a woman "that you would like to plow her"


? miss you man, always great to get those little talks over the years.




Favorite pasta dish????????????????????????????????????????


Hope you're doing well Alex(es) 





Did you just pick two Alex's for the DF AMA???

What's up Kiwi. Hope all is well with you. 


18 minutes ago, VirgoVaca said:


I meant Murked.. or whatever his name was lol 

9 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Did you guys ever meet someone named Austin P ? He's a friend of mine and when he and I were active in the same community, he talked a fair bit about DF despite never being in the clan officially afaik and said he knew a lot of people there, having nothing but good things to say. Not sure if it was during your time however, but I know True knows him. If you did meet him, thoughts?


If you were to come back to clanning today would you go back to DF, would you join Tempest, would you seek to open a new clan, or would you join another clan entirely? And what would be the reasoning behind your choice(s)? 


Follow up from that - do you think you'll ever return to clanning in some capacity? If the answer is no for any reason but just refusing to return - what would have to change for you to come back, whether it be irl circumstances or with the clanning community/the game?


Do you guys still play the game despite not really being part of clanning? Other games?


What are interesting reasons you had to reprimand / remove members from the clan during your time in leadership, if any? (Even if it wasn't you directly removing them but another rank/the leader)


As you guys were mostly retired throughout later rs2 / rs3 / OSRS are there any things you regret missing out on during these eras? 


Most overrated clan you've encountered during your time?


Clan you had the best opinion of and why?


Clan you had the worst opinion of and why?


Least favorite members and why / least favorite official you've had the (dis)pleasure of being part of a rank team with and why? 

I don't recall an austin P. 


If I came back to clanning I would not join DF and would probably join Tempest. Although, I'm not really in the position to invest that amount of time. My future is important to me and I will continue to move forward in that direction. I would love to maintain all the friendships I've created throughout my time in this community. 


Tempest is unique and special because, to me, it is a place where all the people I used to play with are. And these are people that I used to get amped to beat lol. To be able to chat on these forums, and poke LH44 once in a while, is nice. 

1 minute ago, I Kill Batty said:

When do you feel DF hit it's peak and what actions do you think lead you there?

For me it was 2008. Others have told me sometime between 2011-2015 had a moment of success. 

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DF October 23 2005


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Hey @Homedawg How's life treating you? Have not heard from you in a while bud
How to you think the clan world will react now that Rod is going down?





Ex The Call Of Legends (2008 - 2012) - Intro - Fa - Legend - Senior - Motm - Fa Manager - Council

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1 hour ago, Kiwi said:



Dude, it's been 14 years, yes this joke has got to be old by this point, buttttttttttttttttt did you ever come up with a polite way to tell a woman "that you would like to plow her"


? miss you man, always great to get those little talks over the years.


Damn nice memory dude lol. Still bad with women and will be until the day I die most likely. Miss you too man, we had some good times back in the day.


1 hour ago, Scleritis said:

Thoughts on DF being fairly irrelevant in todays clan world? Would you like to see them make a return to F2P?

Don't take this the wrong way, but I think Tempest lives in a bubble that deems them irrelevant. Yes they aren't active in F2P, but I see them fighting Revenant, Ancient Fury, Violent Resolution, Vitality, Sovereign, Playdead, and others and pulling decent numbers. I even saw them take a chance on F2P and fight you guys. They also deal with RoT and their minions like you guys do. They may be irrelevant in F2P, which is what you guys primarily do, but they aren't as a whole. I just want them to do what they want to do, and for now that is P2P. If they eventually want to move to F2P then good for them, but it's not my place to judge them or expect anything of them.


1 hour ago, true said:

What clan did you respect the most during your tenure 

This is a tough one. I always like Eternal Honour, and at least during my time we had a decent relationship with The Titans.


1 hour ago, Adam_ said:

Did you guys ever meet someone named Austin P ? He's a friend of mine and when he and I were active in the same community, he talked a fair bit about DF despite never being in the clan officially afaik and said he knew a lot of people there, having nothing but good things to say. Not sure if it was during your time however, but I know True knows him. If you did meet him, thoughts?


If you were to come back to clanning today would you go back to DF, would you join Tempest, would you seek to open a new clan, or would you join another clan entirely? And what would be the reasoning behind your choice(s)? 


Follow up from that - do you think you'll ever return to clanning in some capacity? If the answer is no for any reason but just refusing to return - what would have to change for you to come back, whether it be irl circumstances or with the clanning community/the game?


Do you guys still play the game despite not really being part of clanning? Other games?


What are interesting reasons you had to reprimand / remove members from the clan during your time in leadership, if any? (Even if it wasn't you directly removing them but another rank/the leader)


As you guys were mostly retired throughout later rs2 / rs3 / OSRS are there any things you regret missing out on during these eras? 


Most overrated clan you've encountered during your time?


Clan you had the best opinion of and why?


Clan you had the worst opinion of and why?


Least favorite members and why / least favorite official you've had the (dis)pleasure of being part of a rank team with and why? 

1. Sorry I never met Austin P, not sure who that is.

2. I would go back to DF. They are basically fully GMT now, but I would have to find a way to work. That's my clan, always has been and always will be.

3. No, primarily because I just can't stay focused on the game enough to make my account even good enough. I get too bored quickly. Also I just am not sure the current state of the clan world really interest me.

4. I play rs for like two weeks then stop playing for four months, and it basically repeats. I play it when I get really bored. I don't play any online games, but I do like single player RPG's. Unfortunately there aren't enough good ones nowadays.

5. We just had to remove people for doing sketchy shit. Scamming, hacking, working with nh clans, etc. Nothing super interesting, but they always came with drama.

6. I don't know if I miss out on much honestly. They game and the clan world changed so much, but maybe at least experiencing some of that would have been interesting. Trying to survive through a 24 hour fight sure would have been a challenge.

7. The most overrated clan.... tough one. I led DF during its peak point, so while different clans added a challenge we were really tough to beat. As much as I respected EH I don't think we ever had super difficult fights from them until well after my time. 

8. Eternal Honour, I just liked their vibe as they were a really respectable group of people. I also like The Titans back in the day, for similar reasons.

9. Back then it was Cor. I understood their reasons for the rivalry, but I thought their response was way over the top. It ended up just being a fun challenge and I ended up gaining respect for them, but for awhile we hated each other.

10. I can't remember any specific member. Since we are talking any rank team I disliked General Shop in Awaken, which is one reason I left. There was just an ego with him, and when DF became #1 he messaged me in a stand-offish way kind of trying to take some credit for it lol. Was odd.


Edited by Bunty
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