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What would i do if I gave you...


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20 - sushi

200 - get my car detailed

2000 - vacation to Europe somewhere

2000000 - pay off student loan, buy a Tesla, buy a house for both me and my mom, pay off my dad's mortgage, rest goes into an IRA or mutual fund




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3 hours ago, Mitch said:

20 - A nice 6 pack of craft beer
200 - A nice dinner for myself and a few others
2,000 - Upgrading my PC with the best parts
2,000,000 - Pay off any debts, buy a house and fully pay it off, and the leftover cash put into investments/savings.



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20 - Spend it on Riot Points for League of Legends.

200 - Probably spend it on RSGP and more Riot Points.

2000 - Tempy irl meet up. 

2,000,000 - Pay off all of my parents and my own debt and buy another house as an investment property. Left over money probably invest in stock.


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 Chivalry Legions Elite - Ex-Chivalry Legions Council
Ex-Ancient Fury Applicant Ex-Zerg Unit Member

Ex-Australian Army Co-Leader - Ex-Kill Orgy Senior Member - Ex-TKO Blitz Member



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20 - dunno, gas money?


200 - a nice evening out for two


2000 - decent vacation in mountains skiing or something like that.


2,000,000 - Finish off my country house renovations and prob just invest and use it in future. 





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20 into savings

200 into savings

2000 half into investments half into savings

2000000 - Multiple property investments, hiring a property management company to maintain my homes, build my legal team, my own modest sized home, a new car a fresh pc   build, live off, and continue to expand my new propery management operation with all the additional revenue.

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On 1/6/2021 at 5:35 AM, Brian said:


2,000,000 - Retire

Mhmm is 2M really enough to retire for the next ~40-50 years in Europe?

On 1/6/2021 at 6:56 AM, Juri said:


2,000,000 - Finish off my country house renovations and prob just invest and use it in future. 

How many houses do you have?


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