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I am Dickus - AMA


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Yer so I’ve been playing this game since sometime in 2005. Spent my time dicking around in F2P for the first year or so, think I eventually stole my mom’s credit card to finally have membership after I saw some unit walking around Al-Kharid with a g maul. From then on I kinda continued to just dick around, doing stuff like castle wars and barrows most of the time. Sometime after construction was released and players could have their own POH, I got recruited into some RSB clan that had weekly KBD trips and meetings at the leader’s house. Bounced around the shitterton RSB clans for a bit and in the process met @J2swift and a few other eventual RSC clanners. 

BH singles crater is what really dragged me into the PvP scene, and the subsequent re-release of the wilderness later in 2008 is what got me recruited into my first proper clan. An old friend Shock_____14 or something along those lines recruited me to Dangerous Business. Went to a few events here and intended to join, but they closed down. Took the experience I gained here and went back to my prior RSB clan, trying to push them towards P2P PvP. I would lead daily pk trips for a couple months with these goobers, and it was pretty fun in low level multi. Got the big brain idea to go to 55s one night and got blown off the map by an official Damage Inc pk trip. After dying I got recruited by Whitey 328 and Waffleroffle at the BH stairs.


Damage Inc - January 2009-October 17th, 2009 (closure)

Proud Member


If I’m completely honest I’ve got no clue how I made it into the clan. I had a serious lack of experience and understanding, but I guess I made up for it with activity since I was 14 at the time. DI was a ton of fun. The concept of massive clan fights was new to me and I couldn’t get enough of it. I definitely remember more about our P2P fights and pk trips compared to our F2P preps, but I enjoyed it all. I think I brought a whip with my mage set up to my first P2P trip and full monk robes to my first F2P fight as a blaster. It was a fairly steep learning curve but I thought I got along well enough. Met a lot of good mates in this clan, many of which I still talk to on a frequent basis. I really loved the clan and had been turned into a ride or die member by the end of summer ‘09. Heading into the fall we really started hitting P2P hard. It felt like we were getting into nonstop slugfests with ROT, losing 15-20m+ in supplies each week. @Brian ended up closing the clan pretty abruptly one weekend and it broke my wee little heart.


The Titans - October 19th, 2009-Fall 2013 (closure)

Titan, Senior, Old School, Lieutenant, Captain, Officer, Operative

I was kind of in a state of shock after DI closed. Everyone started to talk about either quitting the game or finding a new clan to join, and I really just wanted to find a way to stick with my friends. Naturally that led me to start eyeing Violent Resolution as a new home since so many guys from DI were heading that way. However I was convinced to post an intro to The Titans by Sfp4. I didn’t know a damn thing about TT as a clan, I wasn’t even able to attend the DI/TT Jagex Cup final. Sfp ended up flaming out pretty quickly and it probably would’ve been the same story for myself if it weren’t for guys like The Lord88 and Bloodz2291 joining alongside me. I don’t think I was really anticipating how dramatically different this clan would be from DI. In a way, they were almost antithetical. The Titans were solely focused on F2P events and had a significantly smaller member list. At this point though the clan was taking on a metric shit ton of intros and applicants following the closures of Shadow Elves and Eternal Honor alongside DI. I think at this point TT had the ability to compete against anyone, but due to the emerging crash war we were kind of relegated to hunting down Divine Kings on a regular basis. Going into 2010 we established ourselves as a top 3 clan in the game, fighting RSD uncapped basically every weekend. Things were going pretty well and I was enjoying my time in TT, but with Summer 2010 came a bit of a DI remake in the form of Rejuvenation. I came very, very close to leaving TT on more than one occasion to join the clan. However they did not see things through and closed the clan at the end of the summer. At this point I had really resigned myself to being in TT until whenever the day came that clans ceased to exist. Clans were closing pretty much left and right and the top options like RSD, DF, ROT, etc. had all ended up on my bad side for one reason or another. When 2011 rolled around I felt comfortable enough to try to push for a spot in the calling lineup. I was promoted to Lieutenant around October of that year, followed by a promotion to Captain shortly after. TT was still rolling along at this point (late 2011) but there were cracks in the foundation. Early in 2012 we lost several senior officials due to retirement or flat out removal. I was promoted to Officer in the aftermath. We had a nice surge following the departure of Bishinmo, but the state of the clan was rapidly deteriorating as the crash wars and age of the clan members took its toll. We were able to maintain a high level of quality on an individual basis, but our numbers dwindled to sub-20 pulls during the EoC era. OSRS was a breath of fresh air, but nothing could change the fact that the clan was just too old. I was graduating high school and heading off to college around this time, so I ended up stepping aside pretty early on into the OSRS era. I don’t think the clan ever had an official closing date, it just kind of fizzled out into nothing as the initial OSRS hype died down. 

Ronin - March 2015-early/mid 2017

Member, PK Leader

Once I had gotten started at uni I was fully inactive on the game. I made a brief attempt to come back to the game in early 2014 and borrowed a guthans set from Fasty in order to train up at NMZ. I made some decent progress and posted an intro to ROT, but my account wasn’t nearly up to standard. Kinda just accepted I didn’t have the time necessary and went back to being inactive for another year. Hopped back on mIRC one day to check in on some friends and was reminded that I still had Fasty’s guthans on my account lol. After getting P2P to transfer his stuff back, I figured I would at least play out my subscription. My account was far behind the general requirements to join a top clan, so I was advised to join Ronin while I trained my account to get the rust off. Turned out I really liked the midsize scene and I ended up staying in Ronin. It was a pretty low effort clan compared to the other options out there yet I could still satisfy my itch for some solid F2P fights. Had a ton of fun that summer and fall as clans like THE, TR, EoS, Downfall, etc. opened their doors. Was promoted to PK Leader and really enjoyed the midsize rivalries we had, pulling 50-60+ for a while. Eventually Scott got us into a prolonged crash war with Downfall and we lost pretty much all of our momentum. I entered a really rough stage of my life and wasn’t able to help as much as I could have. By the time I had gotten my shit together irl, the crash war was decidedly over and Ronin was in a rut to put it nicely. My new school/work schedule prevented me from attending any sort of EST events, so I ended up joining Forsaken for a couple months. Nice enough folks but their reputation wasn’t undeserved. At some point Exodus had reopened and Ronin got a bit of a bounce back. My schedule was changing with the new semester and I got wind of the plan for Exodus to merge with Ronin. Pretty much went back to fight for Ronin right away and got kicked from FSK for it. The merge was some short lived fun but it didn’t take a genius to see that it wasn’t going to work out long term. Ronin began to fizzle out again and so did I.


Tempest - August 2020-Present

Member, Rider, Captain, Legend

Started playing a bit over the summer of 2020 after a 3 year hiatus as we got settled into quarantine life. Got a cheeky DM from True saying Wee Man was looking for me or some other line of bullshit. Sucked me into the clan from Day 1. Tempest is the only clan I’ve been a part of from the day it opened and it has been a truly novel experience. Worked my way up to the rank of Captain before stepping aside a few weeks ago. I’m quite comfortable in saying that Tempest is where I’ll finish my clan experience for good.

Was in a fair few CWA teams (TKO Blitz, The1%, etc.) as well over the years.


Ask Me Anything 🦍

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The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

Tempy Legend

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On 8/11/2020 at 4:06 AM, True 2k8 said:

I'm not actually a crazy person ?.

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Why the name "Dickus"?


How did they manage to get you here after 3ish years out of clanning?


When Brian closed Di the first time, did you think you'd ever see it reopen?


After TT closed, did you think that was the end of your time playing / clanning? 

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