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Property crash coming ?

Rich Luke1

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I know the feeling that you have. Buying now when everything is so high...hoping it won't crash... it's scary and I questioned myself a couple of times last year.


I bought a house recently as well in the Netherlands and it's now being build. I contractually bought it over a year ago now. It was so insanely expensive for what I get but then prices rose even more in the last year. I just hope that my house can actually be build (w/o needing extra financing/building corp going bankrupt) and that by the time I wish to sell (whenever that may be) I don't sell it at a massive loss. 


I deal with those feelings by talking to friends/family and by trying to live in the present. If the market crashes and my house becomes worth shit all there's nothing I could have done about it. Enjoy the new home and make the best out of it. 

The good old days



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In 50 years the house prices will be way more than whatever they are now, whether they crash hard or rise hard in the next year


Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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Yeah in Malta everyone's just living with their parents even through their 40s/50s because real estate is too expensive lmfao; I know the feel

Edited by Pietru


Tempest Old School

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It honestly sucks, but at the same time you have to weigh your options. Even if it crashes later, housing is an investment. Rent is a constant drain, and you never really get anywhere with it. Besides that, rent costs often go up alongside housing costs due to the fact that many others will be attempting to wait out the market. Granted, rushing into a purchase of a house can be a bad idea too, since uprooting yourself from what is a long term commitment can also set you back.


There's no right answer to these situations though.










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