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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. 5 hours ago, Matt Robbin said:

    I appreciate the well written clan history but I stopped at BK :S

    Also Bearz lmfao probably the most fun fight I have had in osrs was DF vs Bearz, something like 50df vs 90+ wild men (bearz) for over 6+ hours (cant remember the exact time.

    Even though a lot of you were returning naked no food and rune axe I still had fun lmao

    This was actually some of the most fun I had in f2p as well. I had just come back to the game and we had Oli, Eli, jcjack, Milad, Krunal, gochance, dwg etc as callers. The community just wasn’t the greatest mesh. ?

  2. 12 hours ago, Rare said:

    Didn't you try and like delete CL's forums or something? I'm the only one that can delete forums around here.

    I owned the domain and redirected it to Playdead’s forum due to myself owning it and paying for it. Pretty sure I did it after Oliver or whip told me that CL was camping them on my account spamming shit about my girlfriend at the time. Not really deleting the forums considering all that needed to be done was reach out to slushpuppy. Afterwards, they gave Johnny admin cp and he gladly handed it over to CT if I’m not mistaken too. 

  3. Saw Ssj post some of his so figured I'd tag along and do the same. Used GIMP from like 2008-11, and photoshop afterwards. I've done some requests for the community in the past but cba doing anything anymore. Most of these were 2015-16 I believe. I probably have another 50 or so somewhere but not sure where I'd find them. Just picked some up from my DA.















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  4. Runescape Name
    Current: ?
    Previous: have been various clan name changes: oh elijah, hitsquad, 3litez (was supposed to be similar to E1itez which was daman from PH), Goat Tea (Giti name change), Smoked lmfao, and many more.

    Preferred Name 
    Elijah or Eli

    Discord ID

    Current Clan
    Playdead - Currently Leader.

    Previous Clan History
    Clan Envy - 2011-12 Respected Member - Joined because I knew Jackson from TT at the time. I was basically using whatever alt I could get my hands on at this time due to my original account getting smoked for botting (lol) while I was in TT. Jackson told me that Ssj may be able to hook me up, so I went out on a limb here and reached out. I stayed here until we closed.
    Pure Hatred - 2012-14(?) Elite/Retired Legend - After Envy closed I moved here because I felt that I meshed with the community well. Met plenty of people over the two years or  Stayed until EoC hit and I did not move over with OSRS due to starting college and having other commitments at the time.
    Infliction - 2012 Member - Joined for a bit with some homies from PH. Left after a few months because I lost interest in P2P.
    Damage Inc - 2015 Intro - came back to osrs to find out that PH had just closed and they invited me to join DI with them. Was in intro but everyone mass left so I followed them to make Dynasty (lol)
    Blacknights - 2015 or 16(?) Council - Honestly idk how this happened, but I think I went to some BK events as an invite and I offered to help Vanzant out. I think at the time I was using an ex-PH members account.
    Dynasty - 2015 Member - lol idk
    Bearz - 2015 Member - you know the story
    Infliction - 2016 Mentor - Got a message from one of my buddies, James, to rejoin IF when they opened, so he and I started new accounts. I joined as a Member and received Mentor after a month or two. Closed shortly after because Rendual staked some kids bank (shocker) lol.
    The Rising - 2016 Intro/Trial can't remember - I joined TR because I was trying to get back into the game and I was probably around 110-115 combat. Was asked to be a trial warlord or something for their jr clan new blood but was kinda eh on it. Went to a few fights and the one that I remember was where we fought Downfall 70v50 and they smoked us lol. Kinda went inactive after that fight and got removed because Peter was mad that I refused to go to CWA vs VR or something while I was on a trip with Infliction.
    TUF - 2016 High Council - Liam basically wanted to reopen TUF so he could keep some of the IF community together. He was inactive basically the entire time and the timezone for me wasn't great. Closed after 2-3 months.
    Chivalry Legion - 2016-17 High Council - I was asked by Karate to join a remake of CL with him. After they had reopened, they hadn't necessarily gotten the blessing from the previous Leader to reopen using the name and it was basically only used to draw in Aussies or ex-members. Was told Karate wasn't even in the clan when they closed, etc and he was basically only a member anyway when he was there. I asked to change the name and after some conversations he had agreed. After I did the forum theme and put up a place holder for a new name, he basically lost his mind and said he didn't want to change the name anymore so I went ahead and stepped down and left because I wasn't interested in reopening a clan that had nothing to do with me and the timezone was progressively getting worse and worse. I was helping lead trips and was main calling at 3 am EST but I just felt like shit when I woke up the next morning all the time. Left sometime in January of 2017 or so.
    Playdead - 2017-present Leader - Joined in early 2017 when they were a smaller team and we always ran into them with CL. Was basically some Brut kids, Rev kids, and old Playdead members from pre-eoc. I worked my way up to Officer within a month and the rest is history. I went inactive a few times here and there but still managed to grab the rank Warlord and High Council. I stepped away for some time in 2018 due to disagreements with some of the ranks, namely Joey. Basically if we fought any anti-rot teams, he would immediately tell rot and nut ride them constantly. After he left due to timezone issues, he joined RoT so I decided to come back. Shortly after coming back, Moses stepped down and promoted Joel and I to Leader. Fast forward to present time and we're still owning.

    TLDR; - mid sized clans n p2p teams. thx 4 read

    I'm sure there may have been a few things that I've missed, such as going to 1 war with DK in 2010 and not having a clue what was being said. CWA teams, etc. Shoutouts to Ssj, Wee Man, Jackson, Dickus, Trevor and a few others that I saw in Discord, etc.

    Are you interested in joining?
    No, just saying hello because I saw various names that I've met over the years.

    Brief Introduction
    My names Elijah, but you already know that. Started with CWA teams and eventually joined some mid sized clans. I'm sure that I've made myself seem like an ass at some point or another but I've grown quite a bit since 2011-13 from when I met most of you. I like Mexican food. 

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