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11 Goofball

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  1. Now pull off the ultimate move and get in bed with their landlord
  2. 1:39-2:07 😊 13-14 ->13-12 DF vs CT 100 v 100 P2P full-out DF vs Bearz 55 vs 95 7 hours F2P uncapped
  3. playing devil's avocado coming from someone who did his fair share of F2P and P2P ~ this is for p2p multi ~ In P2P, you can have a huge effect on the fight as a single individual (without being a caller) - whether it's hitting a timely AGS spec or catching a massive barrage pile P2P is a lot more democratic in the sense anyone can call their own barrage piles, create their own little pile and people will usually jump on it and finish them off P2P probably requires more skills and rewards it more than F2P (being a good binder barely moves the needle in the grand scheme of things//as good as you are at being aware/clicking and combining pizzas, there's a threshold where it doesn't even matter) P2P offers more diversity in gear set-ups (surge/staff barrage/tribrid/ags/maul-spear/acb-spear) and because you don't have a strict set of gear, you can go out of your way to use it to your advantage against the meta - also playing the game is rewarded because there's an incentive to make money and can risk Torag Legs/Crystal Shields/Occults so on and forth P2P breaks the status-quo a lot more than regular F2P fights - you can actually clear a clan off the map and make them end
  4. at least I threw some binds here and there ?
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