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Posts posted by oob

  1. 26 minutes ago, Jebrim said:

    I have lived in an area where marijuana was legal. A big reason I came to Texas was to get away from that. I want my kids being raised in a community where drugs are not prevalent on the street. I want the freedom to be able to open my own windows and use my yard without worrying about my next door neighbor smoking pot and me potentially breathing it in. I want the freedom to be able to drive down the road and not worry about potentially breathing it in. I have no desire to have THC in my system or to smell that crap. If anyone is going to drug me against my will with their airborne mind-altering poison, then they deserve to rot in prison.


    so life in prison for marijuana users?

  2. Why are you against marijuana?


    What kind of sentence would you think is appropriate for a marijuana user?


    and what kind of sentence for a marijuana dealer?


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