@Frankventura Não esperava ver outro falante da língua portuguesa por aqui. Portugal?
@Vanzant I used to go by Pedros2ngm, when I quit I left my account with Dragon_Sea10 for a few years until I got an email saying I had been perma'd because he got caught trying to sell my account lmao
@VanzantIDK it was so long ago. I remember we were hopping worlds on a PK trip for what seemed like forever and I said something along the lines hey we got nothing better to do, there's a war going on at world XX, wanna go and protect it from any eventual crashers, maybe? And people were like ye ok. And they just crashed the war lmao. Honestly don't remember much. I know someone was wearing iron sets or something like that lol, just can't remember if it was us or the warring clans. And I didn't know who you were! To be honest the only nick name I can remeber from back then are from my best two friends, who played under the names of Dragon_Sea10 and Kyoto_43 and also Sir_Polaco's and Marola14's who were from Swords Of Glory's leadership!
@Dr DestinyAbout the brazilian clans, I was on swords of glory, which in fact was a brazilian clan. I refused to get into Wilderland. At the time I was a kid and I just REFUSED to get into WL because they were my ex clan rivals or some childish reason like that, i was like 12 or something at the time
@S3lvahYe, I figured f2p pking isn't that popular, I enjoy p2p pking and pvming too (despite my high ping on every single world), just hoping I can eventually some day ahve some f2p action.
Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)
Preferred Name
Current Clan
Previous Clan History
Pre EOC I was part of quite a few clans.
I started out at Swords of Glory, a brazilian f2p clan. I stayed there quite a few years until its leadership decided to end the clan.
After this I decided to join international clans.
I remember joining an international pking clan, it was yellow cape based and I honestly can't remember its name to save my life.
Later on I joined the Black Knights, I stayed there only a few months until I quit. Back then I left because I found a war for us to protect and instead the leadership decided to crash it instead of protecting, it.
I instantly left.
My last clan, before I quit OSRS was Divine Inc a f2p/p2p pking clan, I stayed there until I stopped playing runescape.
I returned to RuneScape a couple years ago and my first thought was finding a f2p pking clan, because it is so nostalgic to me and have been preparing my accountsince then.
Who do you know in Tempest?
Honestly, I've just got into the discord server and got introduced to Vinny The Chin, Daniela and Borntobewild. Looking forward to get to know everyone.
How did you find/hear about Tempest?
Honestly google ended up landing me on a post on sharkbrew and took me to a link here
Are you interested in joining?
You bet I am
Brief Introduction
My name is Pedro, I am a brazilian 27 year old male human. I have a Bachelor Degree on Nanotechnology and currently a Chemical Engineering Masters Candidate. I intend to move to Germany after I get my masters. I'm pretty stereotypical male in the sense that I like cars, going to the gym, hiking, video games and Jiu Jitsu but I'm not 100% conventional as I'm really big into coffee. Actually, let me be honest, I'm a little whore for coffee. I currently own several coffee brewing methods and am always looking for new ones lol. I also have big interest in self care, I do skin care everyday! Another big interest of mine is food, I love to cook!
I have a girlfriend, we have been together for the past 8 years. She's currently in college studying to be a veterinarian.
Other thing I'd like to mention is that I have the cutest dog in the world. He is a rescue dog and lost it's right eye because his last owner used to beat the shit out of him and also used knifes to cut his belly, so he never shows it to anyone but me. I love him to bits and my one and only tattoo is a cute lil dog with his features to represent him (although I do plan to do more tattoos in the future, just don't tell him). IDK what else to say, I feel it's a pretty long intro about myself, we can get to know each other as the time goes by.
feel free to pm if you'd like to know me better!