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What is the worst movie you've ever seen?


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16 hours ago, Kai said:

Last Jedi was great. CMM.


Dramatic opinion: Hacksaw ridge (fucking terrible), or any fast and furious after #3.

Actual bad movie: cant think of one right now, i tend not to watch them/turn them off


I didnt think last jedi was great lol

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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2 hours ago, Vanzant said:

I didnt think last jedi was great lol

Great is the wrong word there i think lol. I didn't think it was bad, i liked it


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4 hours ago, Adam_ said:

The eternals is the most recent one I can think of but there's definitely worse ones I just can't remember off the top of my head 

yeah that movie looked fucking atrocious, youre a trooper for watching lol

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