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Favorite place you've been / travel goals


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22 hours ago, Daniela said:

I learned spanish for 5 years, hadnt used it in ages before visiting Mexico but after the first week I was communicating fine again

Five years is a huge grind!! Great friggin work lol 


Would you say you've spent your time on this just because you're interested in it or are there any other reasons? If you're comfortable enough answering such question


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2 minutes ago, Kuraminha said:

Five years is a huge grind!! Great friggin work lol 


Would you say you've spent your time on this just because you're interested in it or are there any other reasons? If you're comfortable enough answering such question

oh we learn an additional foreign language in high school on top of english, i also took 2 years of french but cant remember fuck all 

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ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?

Australia, spent a month traveling along the southeastern coast line by car Sydney -> Melbourne -> Adelaide. Then flew up to Alice Springs and did a 7 days tour back down to Adelaide. First vacation all on my own, no friends, no family. I learned so much about myself, met incredible people and saw some amazing sights. I want to go back there some day and for longer this time. Maybe even work on a cow farm. It was so freeing to do whatever I wanted to do instead of sticking with family / friends. To stop where I wanted, to eat what I felt like, to see what I wanted to see, to talk to whoever I felt like speaking to,...I always feel/felt obligated to be social with the group when I'm with others, being by myself was incredible. I learned so much from talking to random people, how they felt, how they saw the world I love doing that. I also spent far more time during this trip then ever before just sitting and taking in the sights, listening and feeling nature, I love the outdoors far more than cultural buildings, foods,...


What's a place you'd like to visit at some point?

Australia again, New Zealand, South Africa, Costa Rica, Japan.

I want to tour Europe by car (Alpine region, but also eastern Europe / Balkan region). I love nature and camping so I'd just like to set up my tent somewhere and chill under the stars. I heard that they are far more lenient with that in eastern Europe compared to the west.

I want to tour USA / Canada by car mostly to see the nature.

The good old days



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What has been your favorite travel destination / experience?


So far i only went to mexico and i love to see my family i used to go every year but since after high school i went to school and worked and never had a chance. (been almost 10 years) and im going this summer.

What's a place you'd like to visit at some point?

There are a couple places i want to visit; Canada, Paris, and Japan. maybe in the future i will go.

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