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Everything posted by artnotfound

  1. i hope so 😪 cheers everyone thanks for the warm welcomes
  2. whats up dog my good friend started an account from scratch like 8 months ago and nagged me until i started playing again. got a lot of free time and got the nostalgia machine running so im back
  3. name seems familiar too, greetings understandable. a close friend started an account from scratch and convinced me to get back into the game. i was able to recover this one after years of not playing. got lots of free time now and we've just been skilling for the past like 4 or 5 months
  4. yerr 120 combat on osrs. hell yea this was around the clan wars arena time when adelais was just ripping on similar sized clans. such a fun time back then
  5. the man the myth the legend ghjjf greetings thanks bro
  6. Runescape Name (Don't post if login name) artnotfound Preferred Name art Current Clan not in one. haven't clanned since before 2010 honestly but getting back into the game outside just leveling skills / pvm Previous Clan History man it's been years. i wonder if anyone here goes far back enough to remember but i used to play on the rsn "aku690" and got my start in noobs inc taking on a council position before joining adelais with kenshu-x and crazy cam98 in like spring 2008. went to eos after that and then took a break. came back taking over anurags (former ni leader) account to spy on vr back in like 08-09 and also used an account named "kanye x cudi" wonder if anyone from those times is still around. Who do you know in Tempest? honestly not sure if i know anyone but gonna start actively posting in discord to make some friends How did you find/hear about Tempest? i was going through clan world history posts and saw an archived thread somewhere about tempest, came here and saw the atmosphere looks like it would be a good fit for me. really like to f2p focus with p2p also Are you interested in joining? Yes Brief Introduction haven't really clanned in years but just getting back into the game over the past couple months and im getting close to maxed combat. really wanna fill that f2p pk craving and hoping to make a home here
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