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Micael Fatia

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Micael Fatia last won the day on August 4

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8 owes Virgo a rune set

About Micael Fatia

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    Ex 3x / DDB / Legacy / EoS / DI

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  1. Jokes aside I'm actually surprised WG is still around and at least out trying to PK or "guard the Wilderness" (whatever they call it nowadays, no hate / mockery). So many better clans have been dead and buried for a long time and still dying and being buried, whereas WG is still around doing something. That has value and merits some respect. That being side, great job Tempest. Crushing hopes and dreams as usual. Keep it up.
  2. No Kamala / Trump debate topic yet? I guess this one will do. I've been seeing a lot of Trump followers claiming he "won" the debate, so I honestly just want to out of curiosity ask what you felt he did that made him 'win' the debate. I'm asking because I saw him get caught lying multiple times, having no clear or coherent response for pretty much anything that put him in an uncomfortable position. He continues following the same speech pattern of talking about something, then switching subjects mid sentences. Word salad pretty much. I just don't get how anyone can watch that and consider at the end "yeah that's my guy, he did a sick job".
  3. Definitely will. The original Gladiator is my favourite movie ever. I don't expect this one to live up to it, but it has great actors so I'm hoping I'll be entertained.
  4. Happy birthday Tempest! 4 years is crazy, time flies.
  5. I'm technically not voting because I'm not American, but I'd vote Kamala so hard.
  6. It's a shame some RuneScape pseudo-mafia gangs have to ruin certain parts of the game for everybody else with their little schemes and constant out-of-boundaries abuse of what were fun mechanics for their own self-centered gains.
  7. I've always admired Damage Inc, so that would have been my choice regardless of the era. I spent a long time as a teen hoping to become a respected P2P PKer, but I couldn't progress fast enough nor invest the required time and money to succeed as well as I had hoped. I ended up settling for being good at F2P (duel) PKing which wasn't anywhere near as glamorous nor profitable (unless you were staking Rune God armor) but was fun nonetheless. I always secretly wished to max and become good and rich enough to join a top tier P2P clan like DI, and ended up experiencing it (somewhat) only during the beginning of OSRS. I can't even be sure if it was "real" or "fake" DI, since I've only recently became aware there was a version unauthorized by Ghjjf. I wonder if anyone will get this one: Forgotten Templars or Exodus?
  8. Maybe two days and half of it I was afk reading or multitasking very ineffectively. The woes of starting over from zero.
  9. Hey welcome. It's never too late to start, but you may find it a but difficult to get used to the PvP clan world mentality if you've never had any previous experience. Requirements tend to be quite hard, and you're going to feel some pressure, but I suppose if there's any good year to begin then it would be 2024. Most people you'll find around here have been clanning for considerably over a decade, and we're all at a point we can't afford (nor want) to be as hardcore as we were back in the day. I hope that'll help with the adaptation. Best of luck if you decide to join.
  10. Miniclip, like many others here. Bless that site, I'm sure it was the source of many, many new RuneScape players. Looking for "free online games" was common practice for kids back then, and RuneScape was at the top of the list.
  11. That's insane. Well done, I can't even begin to put into words how impressive that is.
  12. You know what that's an entirely fair point, Harry Potter doesn't deserve this.
  13. Aye this sums it up quite nicely. I don't believe in any forms of control over body autonomy, and I feel I have no right to even debate it as a male. This may be controversial to some and I respect that, but I'm so fed up with it at this stage of my life that I don't care if it hurts any feelings, but if in 2024 you still believe in the clearly outdated words written by old men in a book full of imaginary tales (the Harry Potter of 2k years ago) and treat them as facts you must guide your life by, especially when more than half of the times these words contradict scientific facts and just flat out lack common sense... I have no words for you. Kindly do whatever you want with your life, but don't attempt to impose your arbitrary and fucked up rules on others. I like Zamorak in RuneScape but you're not going to see me losing my marbles over you liking Saradomin and you can worship the old pedophile-looking cunt as much as you like as long as you leave me out of it.
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