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Micael Fatia

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Micael Fatia last won the day on August 4

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8 owes Virgo a rune set

About Micael Fatia

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    Ex 3x / DDB / Legacy / EoS / DI

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  1. If I were to start over from zero, are there any guides you'd recommend? I've never exactly had to start from zero again so any tips to speed it up would be most welcome. 👍

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kody


      Faster than ever to get stuff done these days, gl. Do it 

    3. Micael Fatia

      Micael Fatia

      I'm on vacations currently, but I'll see what I can do when I get back. Cheers all.

    4. Lavigne


      Follow the ironman guide.

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