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3 owes Virgo a rune set

About Chronic24

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  1. very nice gratz!
  2. Yeah, when I was scrolling through the clan memory thread on here saw that post from Hohto you pasted so it gave me the idea for this one.
  3. From the perspective of 2002-2007 1. Runescape Dynasty 2. Damage Inc 3. Dark Slayers 4. Gladz 5. THE 6. Anarchy 7. Corruption 8. Mystic Dynasty/Knights 9. Exercitum 10. Zeonic Force Fav RS1 Clans Runemob Malicious Intent
  4. Great Job, Looks like you guys did well!
  5. https://web.archive.org/web/20081110095454/http://s7.invisionfree.com/theclanrs funny webcrawl, when THE was hacked by Blake
  6. lol golden alliance/anti alliance still best times in runescape
  7. well thats a shame, i enjoyed f2p fights more over p2p for clan on clan fights
  8. yeah Yeah
  9. Yeah I dont believe we ever really interacted much, my only interactions with DI was with Bigaboys in the first edition of DI.
  10. Runescape Name (Don't post if login name) Chronic24 Preferred Name Chronic Current Clan N/A Previous Clan History Clan Anarchy Who do you know in Tempest? probably alot How did you find/hear about Tempest? google Are you interested in joining? not at this time Brief Introduction Im Chronic24, played for many years, now just jump on once every few years. Enjoy the memories of the past, early 2000s Runescape Clan scene most def some of the most interesting moments in any games history. I like to look to see whos still here, what everyone is up to and what the game is looking like these days.
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