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Posts posted by Nick

  1. If I remember correctly, you were in Downfall for a couple months.


    What were your thoughts on how we ran the clan as opposed to how you ran VNG?


    Did you take anything that we did in DF back to Vanguard?


    If you could do Vanguard all over again, do you think had you had a bigger f2p presence at the start the outcome of VNG would be different?

  2. Hey Vene, thank you for doing this AMA! Who knew that the leader of the clan we dubbed ‘Team Mush’ back in 2014 would wind up playing a pivotal role in bringing all of us back and essentially restoring clanning to an extent. I have a couple questions mostly regarding people, who I would like to get your opinions on so here they are: 


    Do you still talk to Mike (killer fame) at all? I actually have him on several social media’s and am tempted to try to recruit him but I’ve heard he’s a bit of an rs3 freak now. 

    Branching off of the first question, what did you think of Mike as a member and then a leader? 

    What happened with that vng aaron guy? I remember @Adam went to a f2p fight with Vng and the guy wound up blowing up at Adam for something. When he decided to make it all better I think he apologized and tried to give Adam 500 half pizzas as an attempt to correct his outburst. 

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