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Posts posted by Nick

  1. How did you guys get involved with clans?

    I actually found PH first through one of my friends in 2011. After I showed interest in joining, bought all the gear and was ready to create a forum account he kind of just disappeared off the face of the Earth so I decided I didn't want to join the clan not knowing anyone. Many months later a guy by the name of @Gochance1 found me on rs at clan wars and pitched Downfall to me. I got on ts for an event and was instantly hook.


    Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

    I feel like everyone has the same answer here. It's the community, there's really nothing like it. Many of the people here that I would consider friends are people who I've actually known longer than most of my real life friends. Also, the drama and competitiveness are second to no other game. 


    For those that are clanless, how come?



    What was your favourite clanning era and why?

    This will probably be a cold take for most people, but for me it's OSRS. In particularly, Downfall 2015-2017. I chose these dates because I was finally able to put my 100% into the clan and it was so rewarding to see what we were able to become with a core that joined when we were a RS3 clan wars team. Most of which stayed with us through the entirety of OSRS as well. 

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