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9 owes Virgo a rune set

About Leeo

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  1. I was just testing if you guys were paying attention
  2. blame tika
  3. HELLO
  4. never
  5. Happy Birthday, Tempy!
  6. HAHAHA How did I forget? Damn!
  7. Hello everyone, Since I didn't play in the last years, I'll try my best to remember all my runescaper journey. I started to play RS back in 2007 tho and started to join clans since 2008 or so. I'm from Brazil, so I was member of some Brazilians country clans in the beginning, like Hell Army and Wilderland. Around 2010, I joined my first main clan and it was Solace and then I left it to join Genesis. With EoC release, I moved fast to OSRS and, in my OSRS clanning journey, I think I used to be Tempest and I was in Wilderland aswell. Talking about teams, I always liked to be part of elite teams, like Silent Ember and Spartans (back in pre-EoC) and Spartans, Martins and some others in OSRS. The only games I used to play (in the past) besides Runescape were HoN and Dota 2. I'm doing this introduction because recently I'm trying to play a bit of OSRS and IRL I'm joining a international company, so I do have to improve my english and this community can help me with the practice. In the past I used to beat Tika and Adam in curve fever. My RSN is also Leeo and I have a maxed combat stats account in OSRS. That's it.
  8. tempy supremacy baby
  9. gf fellas
  10. lulz
  11. u should use enemy's hp plugin next vid looked ez anyways
  12. This guy is a big looter, I bet it is @Tika191
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