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Everything posted by Rekmdm

  1. Rekmdm

    AMA - Mat K

    How can we convince Jagex to do PvP updates? Asking for a friend... Favorite Era of Runescape? You can list two, 1 by nostalgia, 1 by objectivity. Why are website updates so hard to do? Is there really only one IT guy? Boss highscores broke highscores. They "cant" do hc pvp only ironmen because there's no one available to the highscores. Boss highscores took forever because of the same reason. The poll on the website still doesnt separate skipped votes. Like what is the deal? On a similar note. Jagex has had record breaking profits in 2018 and 2019 and now 2020 surely. How come there are less employees than during pre eoc era then? How can the investors not recognize the potential growth and just dump resources into the game? OSRS makes half the profit now yet has less than half the RS3 devs not even counting mtx artists. Is there anything we can do to help OSRS get the staff it deserves/needs? So back in the day, there were St. louis worlds, canada worlds, florida worlds, etc. Were they all hosted in said location or were they all just hosted on one server location and then the worlds were given specific areas? Thoughts on Venezuelans invading OSRS and farming gold to make a living in their crumbling economy? I feel like Jagex never really gets that the majority of their playerbase is in the USA. When you picture the playerbase, did you think to yourself you're making games for americans or did you picture that you made games for your fellow countrymen?
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