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Everything posted by Bow

  1. There was a lot of controversy around removing iHockey/D156 and ending as much drama between those two groups of friends as possible. It put a lot of tension around people but in the end it was always the right decision. Rules were rules. By in large people were pretty mild and it was a bunch of petty crap, not a lot of notables. Its hard to say, we chased you around the wild forcing you to go code red more often than not. We didn't really fight much in the last two to three years because of the crash war the entire clan world was so obsessively involved in. The approach to EoC was exactly what we needed to do. We took on fights, did practices and pushed onward with it. I personally hated it and it was hard to get ranks onboard to motivate members as well. A lot of people quit and many more retired in the months after it was announced, as expected. If anything it compounded the way the game and especially the clan world was already headed towards. It wasn't sustainable and it zapped the energy out of the majority of the members. I don't regret RSD not making it to OSRS, it wasn't even a realistic option at the time. I looked at OSRS as a new start for people who wanted to keep playing or a means to an end for others. To start off it was a temporary relief that there was no guarantee that it was going to last either. But in hindsight nostalgia kicked in for thousands of people and Jagex realized it was a necessary money move to keep their company afloat and capitalized. I've never stopped playing and I will never regret not forcing RSD into OSRS.
  2. If you were a spy, it would have been because you wore a fedora. Honestly who does that at your age and isn't shady as hell. You still trained faster than Raji did.
  3. F1r3o, Miner Cire, Scythe355, Godsmoke, Scotty Dont. D156/Scotty - Both great guys and people loved them, but damn the baggage they came with as far as drama. Props to scotty on never spending a single gp on funding his own 99 farming. Alex was never in any serious consideration for any promotion beyond Court. My memory fogs a little but I remember there being some kind of dispute to where he ended up retiring over.
  4. I heard he finally talked to one of your women. I don't remember exactly what you told me. I didn't really care for Brian until he ended up joining RSD. Still not sure why he did, rather odd. We had some pretty chill conversations about clans and whatever. I think most of our conversations though stemmed from him asking about people. I get why he was beloved as a clan leader from within and despised from the outside even if I disagree with some of the early controversies. At most 4% (12?). Most of them were retired members. Which was still a really high amount given the average age of the clan world.
  5. You and Chris have a weird obsession with the most random things imaginable. But that's where the resemblance ends. I don't regret it at all. It was the right time for everything that was RSD about to be retired, it didn't fit anymore. The nostalgia of what that clan world was at the time was over. I'd say was proven by how few of the core members didn't play old school for years afterwards. Only in the last couple years have I started seeing names pop back up, especially with the shit show 2020 has been. No one asked for it back or wanted that kind of commitment, and most happy to have moved on. Not to say the thought hasn't crossed my mind on how RSD would have stacked up against whatever you want to call this clan world nowadays.
  6. You kept your toxicity out of public. I don't remember fighting against it. If anything, I hated the multi colored sheep that people spammed and tried to give me a seizure. Best fights, probably have to go between RSD and TT time capped fights. Best competition we had and only fights that felt like fights and not simply an outlasting attempt. I only ever called the RSD vs DI of 06/07 a rivalry, everything else fell short of that feeling. Probably the only clan I despised before realizing no single clan was worth treating differently when it came to being an opponent.
  7. I was kicked/banned/deleted for being a part of a group of est based members who wanted to make a clan. Spin off essentially which was never going to go anywhere productive beyond a group of friends who all liked to pk together. Dynasty was D156 asking me to advise him on leading a clan with some other kids who seemed to be somewhat competent. I went along with it under the condition I wouldn't be an active rank and there wouldn't be all sorts of shenanigans. Of course that lasted about a day. I went to work and came home to a bunch of mass recruiting and insanity to take one Vr/Rot or some shit. I asked to be removed/removed myself. I was giving D156 the benefit of the doubt. I was always hesitant on his leadership like qualities after him being demoted half a dozen times over the years but I never questioned his dedication and desire to be successful. I was not in DF or DI long enough to say what I enjoyed. I joined both for a couple friends in each and as soon as their interest was gone so was I, checked out mentally. I've never been able to commit to anything like I did RSD, I promised myself I wouldn't. So if anything I guess you could say the initial community approaches by both, maybe, but even then I didn't take part in much.
  8. Bowhunter65 (2010-2013) Because the other two dove into their stories I may as well go more detailed as well.. Hello. I am Bow. I ended up starting playing this never-seem-to-die game called Runescape back at the end of '01 or early '02. I was introduced to it by a group of friends who were playing for quite some time before introducing me to it. I asked them why they held off and they said, "you are the type of person who would get addicted to it". Well, I should have listened or they should have stopped me. Bastards. Anyways, I spent the first 4-5 years of living life as the absolute epitomy of a noob. Wasting time fishing, looting and pking north of varrock, and honestly straight up wasting a ton of time. I was introduced to clanning in 2005, went through Gladz, Devils, Corruption, Anarchy, and some version of PI(?) by Evil Miner13. Eventually I abandoned all of that and joined RSD in 2006, where I basically remained from there on out. I was kicked in 2007, barred, and then begged for foregiveness and was given a second chance. Safe to say I didn't squander it, well too badly. Life in RSD: As I said, I joined in 2006 and had worked my way up to moderator rank briefly, which I stepped down from as I didn't see the point of the rank. Preferred the life of a member as well as the time commitment. Ended up getting involved with the wrong group of friends and was removed for a spin off clan which lasted a few months before I left it to return to RSD. I hung around for months until I was eventually given a chance to rejoin. After several trial periods and declines I was eventually accepted back into RSD. Where I spent the better part of two years as nothing more than a member and wanting nothing more until late 2009 when a number of members nominated me for "apprentice" (a co-leader like trial position) with two others. Still not really sure where it came about, Icedrop's design. After some many months it became permanent and I was made a co-leader. I don't think there was a single person who thought I would have ever become a leader. Hell, I didn't. Icedrop retired in 2010 and passed along the reigns to myself and Bclay. After several years of leading, I eventually closed RSD in January, 2013 with a decline of interest by ranks and members in the game and the direction it was going for clanning. Its safe to say everyone thinks their clan operates on a different level. RSD was the same way for me, I enjoyed it because it was by in large a different type of community. Fortunately, I was able to look at it from both the inside and from the outside over theyears. Some called us grandpas but I called it a more mature atmosphere with a lot less drama than most had to deal with. The leaders before me carried the clan in a different manner and that is one thing that I did make sure was upheld with my style. Although many questioned my willingness to fight clans a lot more openly and on a whim. But when you could trust the members to show up and kick ass, it was a lot easier to do. Spent a lot of hours with the clan, hell it pretty much took over a lot of my life there for a while as it did for many. Lots of good memories of fights, conversations, and the like. I'll stop there, I've rambled on like an old man does. I'm sure questions will cover everything else.
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