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Josh 221

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Posts posted by Josh 221

  1. 4 minutes ago, BV1 said:

    Early on in Exodus, before we hit our peak, Funkymunky11 and Josh 221 were our main 2 callers. After a bit of a slump, Josh 221 became discouraged and revealed to Funkymunk11 and I that he was feeling discouraged and was considering leaving in hopes of a change of pace, and he revealed that he was considering EoS. In hopes of keeping his best friend in the clan and away from EoS, Lucas decided the only options was to hack Josh 221 for the entirety of his bank. His mindset was, Josh can't join EoS if he doesn't have sets, he'll have to stay in Exodus.

    However, the reality of it was, Josh went from being discouraged to absolutely hating Exodus and RS. Lucas somehow failed to realize that it would be obvious that a member within the clan had taken Josh for his bank. Josh was never going to get hacked, assume it wasn't someone in the clan, and then happily continue on with Exodus. Josh became cold and distant towards all of us, as he should have. Now Lucas was in an even worse spot, he lost his friend despite his best (lol) efforts. As a last ditch effort to maintain that friendship, he approached Josh 221, told him I was responsible for all the hacking, and that he had nothing to do with it, and Lucas and Josh remained friends for a long time because of it. Idk if Josh even knows the actual truth.

    Final kicker to it all is there wasn't even free trade yet. Lucas just dropped his best friend's bank on the floor.

    You did tell me! I think he actually died with all my shit because I killed Nolan (pker eric13) multiple times due to there being a death mechanic at the time, where if you died with x amount of wealth you would get back x amount when you killed someone with 75k+ risk.

    Pretty sure I profited from being hacked:D

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