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Posts posted by Gvcc

  1. 6 hours ago, Buzz said:

    I thought I recognised your name from somewhere, then saw NBK on your history. Hello. 

    Yeah, your name's also familiar. Was in NBK for a short time, it was fun - good community, but the game just got extremely boring.


    Hello everyone else ?

  2. 1 hour ago, Stewie390 said:

    Wheeeyyy what is happening Taz sir!. Stone's here as well if you remember him bud.


    What's been going on man? Been fucking ages

    Yeah man Stone messaged me a few months ago - he saw my name on true's friendlist or something months ago and added me. Had no clue any of you guys played.


    It's been fucking looong mate, we had a catch-up on Steam like a year or 2 back and you went MIA after that. Just up to the usual nowadays, working and what not, bit of gaming here and there. Hope all is well with you my man.

    1 hour ago, Brian said:



    Can confirm this is false. 


    Hello everyone else ?

  3. 42 minutes ago, David said:

    Its me daviddamage from octane. Hello gvcc, lets bring trinity and we'd have a reunion 

    I have no clue what happened to him lmao. I don't even have him on FB anymore. Dude just went missing

  4. On 10/20/2020 at 10:17 PM, I Kill Batty said:

    Check the mirror ?


    Here come the no namers:

    Gvcc (CR)


    I'm highly offended bruh. I don't think I ever called lmao. If I did it would probably have been if everyone else was dead and nobody else would man up and take a fall in


    There's not too many that stand out to me but if I had to pick a few:

    1) Saber_six - she apped as a trial pk leader for Octane and choked one fight to the point where she literally stopped calling any piles, and I asked somebody else to step in. She rage quit after that

    2) Zero_fear1 - was overhyped as people said and raged more than anything

    3) Parshdarsh - was good on his day but would often talk too fast and wasn't clear enough which would just fuck us over at times

    • Haha 1
  5. Runescape Name
    Gv cc

    Preferred Name 

    Discord ID

    Current Clan
    Not in a PvP clan atm

    Previous Clan History
    2004ish ~ Clan Anarchy - closed

    2005 - 2006 - Crimson Raiders

    2006~ - EoS - quit

    2009-2011? - Crimson Raiders

    2011 - NBK for like 2 weeks before I quit


    Who do you know in Tempest?
    Looking at memberlist: True 2k8, DavidDamage, Tika, Amanda, Dr3am, NForest, RagingPanda, Stewie at least, probably others 

    Are you interested in joining?
    Eventually possibly, gives me something new to do on RS 

    Brief Introduction
    Hello all. I came back to RS maybe 2 years? ago and thought the PvP community was very much dead but literally learned about Tempest when cleaning up old discord servers and looking at True's discord (BBC). My names Taz, from the glorious country that is Scotland. Haven't PvP'd properly since quitting back in 2011 but excited to get my feet back into it and see what's up. Know quite a lot of old faces here looking at the memberlist so looking forward to catching up with the people I know and meeting new people as well. 

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