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  1. See, this is what I dont like about this kind of stuff, neither of those fights are in 2012 and neither are matched ops. In fact that fight vs TCL was what changed our approach to the game of numbers are everything ( not going to go on a rant about this because this is not a topic about HA ). Ok lets go with the more important questions then. 6. Do you think a clan really needs a forum/site nowadays? Because discord is a mix of forum/irc/ts and is very good at all of them. How much do you think wl benefits on having an actual forum? 7. Truly the only question that matters. Tits or Ass?
  2. 1. ? Still mad about me exposing your conversations with Vander about closing WL? You should be more carefull with your pms ? if you dont what shit like that to get out. 2. I find it hard to believe that you actually believe that. 3. Would you do the smart thing for WL and crush one of those reborn clans right away instead of giving it space to become a rival and steal numbers from you? Or the right thing for the clan world and give it space to grow? 4. You are fucking insane. 5. ? We were the best matched opts brasilian clan in 2012 ...
  3. As one of the leaders of HA, there is a lot of biased information in here, but I dont give enough of a shit to contest it all. Saying you won the last cluster ( and ignoring that MMA was fighting with you ) when neither us nor TCL ended is kinda BM. You guys hoped, took an ending and left. When we hoped after you, WL was nowhere to be seen. It is also kinda biased to say that you were almost always top 1 between 2009 and 2012 when you spent more time in the shadow of HA and TCL in those years than anything else. ( Same for 2006 with SOG ). Anyway, not here to have beef, and this is a topic from your perspective anyway, so its natural to be biased. I do have a couple questions tho. 1. Why did you ban me from your forum? I did nothing wrong. 2. Are you not worried that if TCL reopens you will lose a lot of important people? 3. Do you guys think its even possible to revive the Luso/Brasilian clan world? I have no idea how you guys opened with 80+ people. How much behind the scenes work went into that? 4. Does anyone actually enjoy the box fights? Because I tried it and to me it was pure cancer, I hope jagex takes entangle and snare from f2p so we can actually drag again and stop with that bullshit. HA top #1 - The comments about our lack of quality are outdated and piss me off, because after years of being numbers and fighting against it, in the last year of rs2 we actually had the best quality of all brasilian clans and the results showed it in matched fights.
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