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Des Troyer

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5 owes Virgo a rune set

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About Des Troyer

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    The Rising

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  1. To echo Claire's sentiments, we didn't intentionally set out to draw from TA, even if that is what organically happened due to groups of friends and a disillusionment shared with many PvPers within TA. Alas, I would agree that if TR was founded earlier, it likely would have picked up more of those PvPers before they left TA clans for elsewhere (on that note, it was saddening to see TA clans being ranked lower on people's Zybez listings over time, even 20-30 by the end of 2007, although TMRD was still regarded by some as top 15 at that point, if I remember rightly). Also, yes, to have been around at that earlier point alongside EH, VR, and DF would have been fruitful. The state of the game is a major factor, too, given that we only had 5 months before Jagex ruined things with the wilderness removal. We were in a very good place at December 2007 and it took time to get back to that after the wave of retirements that would follow in tandem with the changes. I'd say our greatest strength was tenacity. i.e. Even in 2007 as a new clan, if we encountered a DF/Cor/RSD, we'd unyieldingly put up a fight regardless of knowing the inevitability of the numbers eventually being insurmountable. This mentality was just as important an imprint to us our community values. While we didn't get to interact with them much, we did have positive relations with CL. e.g. I do remember our CWPL wars with them fondly due to how easy that was to setup. Despite the huge timezone difference, a compromise was quickly reached that would be just as much of an inconvenience for both. RDC gave us many memorable encounters over the years and were a credit to the GMT timezone. Franzk was pivotal in the group of ex-DS joining, although I like to think the reason they stayed was due to enjoying our ethos and culture. Thank you very much for those kind words. It would have been more successful in 2007-2012, just like anything else, but I did very much enjoy that experience and met some great people along the way. I do wish that I had more time with it before having to leave RS behind once and for all. NB proved that it was very possible (as well as relatively easy) to find people oblivious to clanning and introduce them to warring. The only necessary prerequisite was patience and a departure from an uncompromising elitist mindset which, alongside the toxicity and longstanding grudges, has ensured that the clan world will continue to wither away over time. Also, no, while I did like the thought of a junior clan in the past, it never went beyond meme status. Perhaps if the wilderness hadn't been removed it could have been a tempting and worthwhile project to pursue back then. Yeah, it was a wave of irrepressible nostalgia and hopefulness that the clan world climate would be very different. Admittedly, I knew nothing about the clan world of 2015 and its crash war culture, while I thought that we could, in essence, just be in our own bubble regardless of how things were. Most would leave the game again within a year or two due to not enjoying the game and/or clan world, but even so, for me personally it was a wonderful experience to reconnect with old names, as well as to connect with some people that I had never had the chance to due to my large periods of absence during the 2010-2012 years.
  2. Miss you alot Dan. Really do ❤️

  3. Sorry for being slow, I'll reply to more stuff later. Nothing could bring me back at this point, even if my health situation were to continue improving. I'm of the view that there are vastly superior games/better things to do with one's time, as well as better and healthier places to be present in than what the clan world has become. None of us would know, but from what I've heard, each of the officials still involved just wanted to finally move on from the game. 1. I believed Vanguard had the potential to progress in terms of warring, but that it would likely struggle with the culture of the clan world given that entering into it seemed to be the goal. That aside, Vanguard's community and values reminded me a lot of how clans were pre-2005, and I held it in high regard. 2. I don't believe it would have been practical for me to do that with the way my health situation was, especially such things as not even having the energy to speak. I would say that it likely needed to be its own thing, though. It was a throwback of sorts given that for most it was their first ever clan and people would even thoroughly enjoy such things as having CWA events vs PvM clans, or having small scale scraps in the FFA portal. Meanwhile, the PvM clans themselves were showing more interest in warring more frequently over time, too. It was beginning to look as though NB and such clans could have grown into its own, very different clan world, but I couldn't stick around to attempt to make this come to fruition. 3. Admittedly, I don't know where that came from, or at least I don't remember someone ever proposing this. If such a thing had happened, the communities would have matched well, at least. but I believe the wars would have been an issue, given that hardly any PvM clans were capable of pulling more than 20ish people, while I also have doubts as to how it would have coped once exposed to the ways of Zybez clans. Probably a toss up between late-2007, the second half of 2009, and 2011-2012. I think it depends on one's criteria. Yup, even some people who I knew before they joined TR, so that's 14+ years of knowing them. Purely due to history and how it was seen as a betrayal of sorts for people to have ventured out of TA in order to become TR. In essence, we just wanted to play a game differently. We never had any ill will towards TA, so the animosity was truly one sided. Steve's answer matches my views and how I intended to reply. So, being GMT based, the timing, plus our values. Even though he would return home in due course, I'll admit that it did hit hard, even if I did understand the reasons. Probably TRWF in 2007. No, purely because I enjoyed the chance to reconnect with old names and am doing much better at keeping in contact with people now. Claire had great things to say about it in 2015, as did others, but no, not seriously. I wasn't intending on ever clanning, mostly due to not being capable as a result of the severity of fatigue with my condition at that time (even such things as maintaining an upright posture, maintaining an upright posture, as well as the cognitive effects of sensory overload were all an issue). I joined 'The' for its opening in 2015 after Tweakn reassured me that it would be a low key, stress free thing with sans expectations. I knew nothing about the clan world and my assumptions were that 'The' would again be just as much a community clan as it were the past, so I was surprised when Cheezy soon announced that 'The' was to be warring based for the first time in its history. I enjoyed being there and tried my best, although it was still physically difficult for me to war. I also started encouraging a small group of TR that were still playing RS, to check out 'The', whilst others begun to express interest in returning to the game after x years. Some joined, while others weren't keen on being 'The'. This eventually led to the creation of a free version of zetaboards for ex-TR, just to hang out in with no intention beyond possibly having a few reunion events. When an increasing number of originals started dropping by after word got around, the inevitable reopening happened, for better or worse. The choice of home world came from a poll and was thus a coincidence.
  4. “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Founded as a PKing clan in July 30th of 2007, The Rising would venture into a clan world where an endless list of new clans would almost always be fleeting sparks of hype at best, such was the insurmountable challenge of finding a way to break into a status quo that had long since been entrenched. Naturally, we enjoyed some brief rivalries with other such clans that were striving to make a dent, including Outcast, Clan Auris, Lethal Blades,Triforce, Genesis Dynasty, Forgotten Templars, and RuneScape Vendetta, with the latter representing the opposition in our first ever prepped event; an old-fashioned melee and binds 15vs15 at members gate (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBhTslQ6IGQ). Alas, TR also had the privilege of immediately mixing it up with some more illustrious names, including in our first PK trip, which led to a run-in victory over RuneScape Hungarian Knights, whilst within a month we enjoyed PK run-ins with the likes of The Mighty Red Dragons, Divine Forces, The Titans, Collision, Lithuanian Forces, Corruption, Eternal Honour, RuneScape Dynasty, Echo of Silence, The RuneScape Warhunger Federation, Red Devil Clan, Gladiatorz, Black Knights, ‘The’, Chivalry Legions, Shadow Elves, and Adelais. Although initially regarded by many as a mere break-off from ‘The Alliance’ (Gladiatorz, ‘The’, TMRD, and Jaguars), TR comprised a contingent of former Dark Slayer members, as well as people attracted to a modus operandi that pivoted around PKing daily, often multiple times, while maintaining strong community oriented values. We knew we were on the right path when a DF official was quoted as saying that TR ought to have its own subforum for its PK run-in topics on RSC/Zybez, but it was other quotes and events that would come to engender our burgeoning morale and momentum at this time, as well as serving the instill an “us vs them” mentality that would pave the way for success in the long-term. One such catalyst was the onset of our rivalry with TMRD. Although initially on good terms,, when a latecomer to our first spur PK trips asked for the current world in an IRC where we had become intermingled, TMRD would rush us soon after logging in. Once we gained numbers, TMRD were cleared, before insisting that it was a coincidence, that they didn’t know it was us before rushing, amongst other happenstance explanations. Whether it was an attempt to try and nip us in the bud, or to prove a point given that around a dozen ex-TMRD had joined the TR cause within the first few days, this run-in did, unfortunately, stir up hostile relations. We cleared a handful of their PK trips in the coming weeks, which led to them eventually having a small amount of CT (Collision and The Titans) in tow. We still hunted a couple of those trips, but the second time around, CT actually decided to mass some people when we did so and consequently got stomped. Amidst these scenes, there was an in-game quote by Nerdbasher while clearing us: “Kill TR until they close”. It was just the view of one person and nothing would manifest from it; we became just another clan to be able to fight for TT and Col, especially the latter. Regardless, at the time, those words were impactful, especially when combined with another harsh lesson that ensued within that timeline of our early weeks - our first encounters with Adelais, and then EOS. One of our very early prepped events was a capped run-in against Adelais, whom did provide humour upon showing up 15 minutes late due to a need to login as a phallic object on the minimap. Despite being unable to clear them, we were clear winners by the end of the cap, which Adelais refused to respect, thus prompting us to eventually take our ending options en route to leaving. Adelais did the same, albeit after regrouping, before proceeding to take a picture with lobsters on the ground to inflate their options. They attempted to post a win topic, but initially uploaded an unedited picture which showed the lobsters (as well as the invalid options number), which was quoted before they could rectify this oversight. Soon after, we were clearing Adelais in an unplanned run-in, before it was EOS showing up in their stead (who then insisted that they had “intercepted” in their eventual win topic). EOS would frequently hunt our trips, with a similar outcome each time, where we’d battle back until their numbers became too much. There was one instance where we fought back for 7 hours, in a run-in which ended after the CL congo line AC had been hit by some EOS, prompting a melee to ensue. The result was a formality at this point, though, with EOS verging on clearing us. Still, these experiences would all come to be fruitful in providing a crash course of what it would be like as a PKing clan in the ascendancy in this era. There were also early beginnings of long-standing rivalries during this early period, especially with TRWF. Whether battling a rival in a prepped event, being crashed whilst out, or having nights out entailing an array of clans, TR had started as we meant to go on in the years to come. We would enter the wilderness with the intention of fighting anyone, even if it meant striving to be competitive in situations where the outcome of being outnumbered and overwhelmed was inevitable. We didn’t believe in ever ending an unplanned run-in early, nor in avoidance, irrespective of our chances of winning. We weren’t like the other new clans; we were here to stay. Those early months yielded many memorable moments, including unplanned run-in victories over TRWF (who would almost always defeat us in planned run-ins at this stage), as well as an full-out (non-returning), melee and binds war victory over EH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPI4cqqCSgI). TR was thriving towards the end of the wilderness era, even to the point of being ranked 7-10 within the ever fickle Zybez listings, as well as being capable of pulling around 80 people on weekends. Much like other PKing clans, though, TR suffered once Jagex decided to meddle with PvP. (Fun fact: We did have the honour of posting the last ever wilderness era win topic, from a run-in with ‘The’). The bounty hunter era, when introduced, although a poor substitute for the ways of old, did at least allow the clan world a concept of multi that would offer a thrill of the hunt, as well as cumbersome boundaries for prepped run-ins. It was here that we were given the honour of being chosen as the last opponent for TMRD, and also RDC at the time, even if the latter would fortunately reopen at a later date and give us plenty more memorable encounters. There was also the forging of our unlikely friendship with Luchinot et al. of Wilderland. After a TR vs WL run-in was crashed by EOS, we proceeded to team up to clear, before being on very good terms thereafter and even having some community oriented activities. It was also during bounty hunter that we attempted to have a presence in EST, as opposed to merely striving to be #1 GMT. We proceeded to have regular late EST evening skirmishes, even if typically with a meagre 100-ish options, which meant having the chance to battle some clans that wouldn’t venture out in GMT. Our last event of significance in this era was when we stepped up, just as we did against EH towards the end of the wilderness, in a capped run-in with TT. While it would only yield a narrow loss on the day, we were happy enough with the performance to be brimming with optimism. Of course, the clan world would then begin to suffer immeasurably when even bounty hunter’s multi functionality was removed, thus leading to the onset of the Clan Wars Arena era. PKing clans suffered to varying degrees, with TR being no exception, and a long list of retirements resulted. TR did participate in the CWPL, but it felt like going through the motions and no degree of consistent success could be maintained, nor was it something we wanted to strive for. We were mediocre, and this chapter was to be a forgettable one. Towards the end of 2008, the release of PvP worlds represented a glimmer of hope for the clan world, even to the point of capturing the imagination with the innovative possibilities. We did explore this a bit ourselves, such as with a non-returning wars with ‘The’ at Wizard Tower, and versus Black Knights at Al Kharid. Naturally, it would be the wilderness that inspired, and it was soon getting to enjoy a planned, members gate run-in again with TRWF, which we won, that captivated, as well as both the renewal of old rivalries and onset of new ones with the likes of 2Mighty, Future Of Old Style, Red Devil Clan, Northern Gods, Exodus, and Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste (Lithuanian Divine Kingdom) as of 2009 onwards. Whilst our dominance in the GMT was long standing, the number of active clans within the timezone would gradually waned during 2010-2012, which rendered it a necessity to strive even more within EST. At this time, TR would have the privilege of being chosen as the last opponent for TRWF, whilst mostly stepping up to have run-ins with Cor, RSD, TT, and DF et al., but still having some GMT action with the likes of Forsaken and Cheer Up. At the mid point of 2012, the original TR closed, albeit on our terms; on a high, ranked in the top 5 and still capable of pulling 300+ options. From there it was ‘onwards into the game of life’, even if nostalgia would lead to 50+ people returning to the game in 2015 for a reopening on OSRS. It was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old names, but with a combination of lack of enjoyment of the game and finding it difficult to adapt to the clan world culture had become, most originals would go back into retirement over time. Des Troyer I’m Dan, my RuneScape is and always will be Des Troyer. I co-founded The Rising with Claire (Clugred) in July 30th of 2007. After very enjoyable years in ‘The Alliance’, where I had the privilege of becoming a leader of Gladz and a council member at TMRD, it did eventually become apparent that it would never be viable for a TA clan to adapt to the burgeoning shift away from non-returning wars unto competitive PK run-ins, as well as having a consistent presence in the wilderness in general. Ixy, the founder of Golden Sun and a friend at the time who I had confided in towards the end of my time in TA, inspired me with his words of: “If it still doesn’t feel like home, make a new one”, just as he had done. It was very difficult to leave TA behind, but the decision was made easier from having a long time friend in Claire, who felt disillusioned for similar reasons after her time in TA. We wholly believed it was possible for a PKing clan to have strong community values and integrity, which led to the creation of TR. Whilst I am haunted by an array of regrets due to my own shortcomings, I will always cherish the memories and lifelong bonds made, just as I will always be proud of the triumphs and many instances where TR defied the odds. Thank you to everyone over the years that played a part in making this possible.
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