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Posts posted by Kura

  1. 1 hour ago, Monkey said:

    Our community was pretty different from a lot of other clans and I think some new recruits were caught off guard by that.

    As someone who would like to have joined TR at some point this comes as no surprise to me tbh. Always thought your community were a bit more distant from the public, if I may put it this way. Could you describe what made TR's community more different?

  2. I don't remember all the names ofc but my lineup would +- look like this



    1. Icedrop
    2. Mattyb
    3. Conditions21


    1. Godsmoke
    2. Bishinmo
    3. Magicarrow28
    4. True2k8
    5. b289


    1. Andy#s
    2. Ashley
    3. Majin Wouter
    4. Bowhunter65


    1. Str Inferno
    2. Soulbad
    3. Aznboy
    4. 3lite
    5. iSh0w
    6. Ghjjf
    7. Mageprayhero
    8. N Forest3
    9. F1r3o
    10. Moskah
    11. Runearquero
    12. Eomeri
    13. Fasty
    14. Rclav
    15. Robtokill


    Tbh lithos, brazilians, portuguese and finish fellas had huge warrers, too many to pick just one.


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  3. 7 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

     I suppose it's still possible to challenge friends chat vs friends chat.

    Would be interesting to have a challenge menu where u could choose between friends chat vs friends chat or clan chat vs clan chat. Maybe that could solve part of the multiclanning issue I guess (?)

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