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11 Goofball

About s-Raven

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    Missing chromosomes

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  1. Don't put it near a fan you'll punch it.
  2. I only played for an hour today ? VR is hard on my back lol #oldmandadthings.
  3. I haven't even thought about that. Good show. How's that phone doing?
  4. Oh I forgot about you, just like everyone forgets about bks leader whats his name?
  5. Just cause you put a cow on my head. Don't mean its a clap back still waiting for some fire.
  6. Would highly recommend getting a vr head set if you can! Now if only they made a virtual skee ball....... Crude humor Asians. Enjoy Check out this video "Vr fun" I cuss and I'm stoned let's goooooo. http://www.twitch.tv/thesavageraven/v/770804767?sr=a&t=4s
  7. Dude I also had the rona and I'm sorry you had to be in the hospital, lemme know if you ever wanna talk.. I'm now suffering from heart complications at 32.... thank God you made it tho. And good luck with your recovery.
  8. Please do, I hate our current house. Looking for something bigger. Tryna make this a rental btw miss you Jay lol?
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