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Posts posted by IMK

  1. - Anything to do with the water (ocean or otherwise). But my favorite would just be getting on the boat and going out and around mangroves and stuff around here.

    - Going to the movies. I have days off on the weekdays and there's honestly a certain vibe of just sitting inside a near-empty theater on a weekday at noon chilling in a comfy ass recliner chair and watching a good movie.

    - Walking. I live in a pretty scenic area, so it's always nice to go for a walk.

  2. What has been your worst experience on a work enviorment? 

    Can't really say I've had anything that could constitute a ranking of "worst experience". Some days are shit with people on vacation or hella workloads, but nothing really bothers me too much.


    What is the worst thing you have seen on the office?

    Probably when they put Dwight's desk in the bathroom


    Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work?

    Not really. Not to my face anyway


    What would it take you to quit your job?

    If I get passed up on a promotion again


    Are you happy with your Job?

    Not really. Pays the bills but I don't see it as a career at the moment.


    What do you like about your job?

    Good mix of physical labor and computer work.


    Best thing that has ever happened to you at work?

    When I get to go home


    Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?

    I consider myself on good terms with just about everyone at work. Talk a fair bit on the job but I prefer not to talk too much with em outside of work.

  3. This hurts to say... But I'm going to say the British. They're easier to bully and make fun of (slightly higher IQ than pures so they can somewhat understand what insults I'm using) and slightly less annoying than ironmen since Brits are most annoying in verbal communication, but ironmen are retarded in all forms

  4. Most people in this clan are from the US, and the US is far too large and diverse (in every aspect) for there to be a definitive answer. Where I live housing prices are at an all time high, home and flood insurance are at an all time high, and HOAs/COAs/POAs are everywhere and their fees are at an all time high. Whereas someone from bumfuck nowhere in Nebraska might have quite a different situation. There's literally no point in buying a home here, at least for me. I'd spend 3x the amount I spend on rent and the whole thing could be gone next hurricane season.

  5. - undo whatever caused inventory clicking to be much worse than it was like 2-3 years ago (constant dead clicks, items dragging instead of being used/equipped, etc)

    - go back and make jagex never bring out rev caves

    - remove all "failing"  mechanics in certain skills (agility, thieving, hunter, etc) and adjust exp rates accordingly

    - force everyone to play on fixed mode

    - remove tick manipulation skill methods

  6. Firstly, you need to get yourself a blast chiller (flash freezing). Commercial units are expensive as fuck but they do make some for home use, but still pretty expensive. You can find a decent one for like $2k. Not a bad price considering it's saving you from going to prison. You need to immediately (before rigor mortis sets in) cut the body into pieces with something extremely clean and sharp and immediately freeze. You want to minimalize blood loss as much as you can. After all of the body pieces have been frozen, use a vacuum sealer (can get one on Amazon for 50 bucks) on each part. Store them in a garage freezer or something for a short while. Then during your usual routes to say, work or a grocery store or somewhere you frequent a lot, keep an eye out for areas where large animals or reptiles might frequent (such as a lake, ocean, or some wooded areas). Once you've found a good dumping ground (safer to find multiple), start dropping a body piece in these areas slowly over a couple weeks time. Once they've thawed, animals will deal with the rest. And in the scenario where the body parts are discovered, the body parts will seem somewhat fresh, which will have authorities looking for recent missing reports and such. Also, be sure to not dump fingers, toes, or teeth.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

    Do you consume tobacco products ? Cigarettes/dip/chewing tobacco etc 

    No, I'm an adult


    5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

    If not did you in the past ? What caused you to quit if so ?

    Yeah, used to smoke cigarettes/black & milds when I was 15-16. I quit because I grew up





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