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Everything posted by MILAD

  1. Haha no. True is a scholar and a student. Complete nightmare mate. Divine Forces. Always had friends there. My hatred for DF in my time with TT wasn't a choice I made, it came as a package deal the day I joined. It felt obligatory.
  2. Yes. Multiple times, to be honest. My sense of loyalty and committment didn't allow me to. I stuck it out until the very end.
  3. we love Finnish people though. ❤️
  4. I believe that the clan world has been the most active in a while, or at least according to a lot of people that have played when I wasn't around. The revival of F2p clanning, how active it has become is something that we need to keep and maintain. Let's face it, most clans around enjoy F2p more than P2p in my opinion. It's going into the right direction. People just need to grow up and actually stop with actions not related to the game. It's 2020 and people don't seem to realize. About your second question: NFL. I follow it from time to time. Many people who watch it find it boring, but once you actually understand the rules and how the game is played, it turns out to be a lot more fun than expected. I watched a game once at the Metlife stadium in 2018: Giants Vs. Saints. It was one of the best atmospheres ever and the game was sick.
  5. He leads the clan in a perfect way. He is a part of the community, he makes people feel welcome and he is personal with almost all of the members in the clan. He makes you feel like you belong which is what a true leader always should do. We have something special here, a community most clans don`t have and a group of formidable members that are better than most clans on the battlefield today. I think that he should. You never just stop calling if you have called before. He`s a beast. The Titans - Avoid: Aaron (Doom126), Scuzzedout and Plav The Titans - Have a beer with: Jatsenko, Bishinmo, Kezzab Reds Eternal Honour - Avoid: All of the mf's that left us for TT at one point. We had a group of certain individuals suddenly leaving us for TT at one point. Eternal Honour - Have a beer with: Haru Masters, Jonezy50 and Fiercechamp Genesis - Avoid: Redroc, Chainsaw, Mitzella (something dramatic would happen if Mitzy would be there) Genesis - Have a beer with: Tika, JcJack & Pedro I've only mentioned people from these clans seeing as I stayed here the longest.
  6. Samimo is cooler than everyone. He is awesome. You know what I'd like to see? A real life fight between Firehands and Pete Noob.
  7. Patience, English and confidence. I learned how to be patient in EH. I wasn't very patient in EH, but it happened retroactively. I applied it to my work and how to deal with people. Think for a few seconds before replying, how not to be impulsive and to give people time. English - It goes without saying that if I joined any other clan than EH, I would not use grammar the way I do today and speak the language in the way I do. It has helped me a lot with my work, when travelling and getting to know people easily based on the fact that I could use several different ways of expressing myself. Confidence - I made it a big part of my character and personality. It has defined me in many different ways such as effortlessly being able to sit with just about anyone and lead a conversation in whatever direction I wish to. Me and Nullusion didn't interact a lot, to be honest. He was barely active on Ventrilo. Barely uttered any words. He would be super active at certain points, then suddenly disappear and somehow still kept his rank. I respected him as a leader on the battlefield. He wasn't very outspoken as other officials, I feel.
  8. adress ❤️ Honestly, I don't. I recall being friendly with almost everyone in PH after we closed and joined DI together. We talked about the whole thing for days on DI's teamspeak and had a laugh or two. Of course I am aware. It's one of the reasons why I do it haha. We sell wine from a reseller at the moment who brings big amounts of wine into the country. The vineyard in Georgia is a hobby for now, but who knows.
  9. Blazzin8 - He did get promoted in EH, and being very young, he was far behind in the line-up. I feel like he didn't call as often due to the fact that we had Slaughter17, 3lite, Nullusion, X Zach02, Islamia all ahead of him. I enjoyed his calling a lot, personally. Jonezy50 - one of my first friends in EH. Haru Masters - He recruited me to EH. Bishinmo - I feel like at this point, it's pointless to explain. Jatsenko - A real comedian/emo/dramatic all in one person. Zlat - I've known him for far too long to not mention him. 05Grogan - How can I not mention you Joshie Haha yeah it was at the beginning of my tenure in EH. You were inactive and then went on to quit the game I believe. You were one of the few 126's in the clan and one of the first members in EH. Swedish, English, Arabic, Russian, Assyrian and Georgian. I've always emphasized the fact on how to learn a language is best done by daily interaction with people that speak it. Those languages are spoken on a daily basis in my life. At home, we speak Swedish and Arabic, mostly. Assyrian is a smaller language spoken by approximately 5 million people around the world. It belongs to the old Aramean language, which consists of Syriac, Chaldean and Assyrian. They are practically the same but different dialects. Then we have Russian and Georgian. I've lived in Tbilisi, Georgia on and off for 6 years, plus a large group of our employees are Russian and Georgian. I hear it and speak it on a daily basis at work and with a couple of close friends. Studying a language, reading about it and trying to memorize it will help you on the short term. There are common phrases used in a language that aren't taught formally that you need to comprehend in order to speak it properly. Daily interaction is the best method and always will be, in my opinion. I hope you really go for it! Learning Spanish is my next goal. I speak it on a beginner level right now, as in I can hold a conversation going but of course with some difficulties. Knowing multiple languages is something I've always been profound of. It's enlightening and really practical.
  10. 1. TT 2. EH 3. Genesis 4. DI Probably the first two weeks. EoS mass joining and us allowing for it to happen was a mistake in my opinion. The leadership wasn't sustainable and not reliable. I started working and focusing on my life. I had put too much time and effort on Runescape, prioritizing it ahead of things that were of more importance to me. If there was any clan I'd come back to, it would definitely be DI. I remember this fight. A week before me and TT were a thing of the past. Things were hectic internally. Members not motivated. I set up that fight in hopes of reviving some morale boost for the clan. You should've heard our TS. It sounded like people were more motivated to go and play LoL than actually fight. I felt like I had tried to do anything in my power to make it work again, with certain officials, but at the end, nothing came out of it. I never considered joining RoT. They weren't a clan that I'd fit in at all. I believe that former clan-mates who joined RoT made their choices and decided to go for something they thought they'd enjoy, but still it is oddly weird that they would since RoT was nothing like TT. RS2 WL: Many interesting smaller fights that I always enjoyed. You were/are a very respected country clan that has been around for a very long time. I always enjoyed watching your rivalry with TCL/MMA/HA from the outside. It made the game a lot more active, and that mainly is a big thanks to you guys. ? OSRS WL: I just returned to the game and heard that you guys managed to assemble a lot of former active players from Brazil from TCL/HA and other Brazilian clans/teams. I love our fights as you always conduct yourselves with the utmost respect and I hold you guys in very high regard. I believed that there was a lot of room for improvement. The memberbase wasn't being used to its fullest capacity during fights. Of course, I tried to propose a lot of new ideas. When we applied them, we managed to take on RoT during a clean 1v1. The result? Video at the bottom of us chasing them down like the rats that they are. I wasn't fond of us being mediocre against RoT or DF. I aspired for total dominance, totally overwhelming our opponents. We seemed too careful during fights and didn't seize opportunities when they were presented to us.
  11. Initially, I was planning on leaving EH for SE. There was a group of a few people from SE randomly hanging out in EH ventrilo, namely @AZF1, Sipstrassi, Killer####, Jdthakid2, Ryfry023 and they persuaded me to join SE. I made a leaving topic to leave, but I ended up staying in EH because @Ava_Ad0re convinced me to. Altough, at the peak of our rivalry, I did look forward to fights with SE as they were competitive. I didn't particularly dislike them, just motivated to beat them mainly due to the fact that they thought they were better, when we all knew they were miles behind us. Thanks brother! Divine Forces. Explained in previous post. ❤️ Yes, I wish we had more of those to learn the concept of tanking ? Felipe Prieb, Pure Str G40, Too, Andy4309, Ngaged If you invite me, yes.
  12. I feel like both sides had their fair share of dominance during the fight. Seeing as it was a heated rivalry between two great clans, plus the hatred for each other, it`s understandable if both clans refused to call it off. I think that at the end of the day, both clans would have preferred not to go for 24 hours, especially those that were there for a long duration of it. We knew that we had to win at any cost and it didn`t matter how long it took for us to obtain a victory against DF that day. Lovelost was a really close friend of mine in TT. We were partners in crime. I enjoyed his presence in the clan as he brought a lot of joy and a super fun personality. Just a shame he left out of the blue without notifying me for DF. Still a good guy. LOL. I knew this was going to be brought up. Experienced women are the best. Divine Forces. Always wondered what it would have been like. Davej was the biggest spastic, and yet one of the funniest people on this game. #coifrange4lyphe To EH: Nodari567 To TT: Sgt Frank1/True 2k8 You and Zlat were one of my few close friends in TT. I've been poor throughout my entire clanning career as I barely played the game. ?
  13. Of course. I loved the memberbase. It was full of quality just laying there not being used in the correct kind of way. As a caller, it was very comfortable calling because their awareness of people around piles was extraordinary. Everything was perfect in my eyes if it had worked out in a different way. Like I already mentioned, I went on about it in the wrong kind of way and it cost me dearly I feel. 1. Swedish - I feel like I speak it better than any language I know. 2. English 3. Arabic 4. Russian 5. Assyrian - this is my mother tongue btw. 6. Georgian Haha yeah I heard. Saw his name in AF's pile. Made sure we spammed "impostor" everytime we piled him.
  14. NI were a bunch of low level pixel hungry small kids who would do anything to have some extra rune in the bank. It was never about crashing/ruining fights. Maybe it was like that for the leaders of the pack, but never for the members I feel. Bunch of funny individuals nonetheless. Tika - A friend before anything. We were really close in Genesis and became good friends after calling with each other for nearly a year and a half. We had great chemistry and respect for each other, both as individuals and our abilities on the battlefield. Krunal - We were good friends before the crashwar. He seemed like a very intelligent individual, but my respect for him degraded after he resorted to unnecessary actions outside the game which went too far for my liking. I proposed that we lay the crashing to the side and enjoy the game, but he refused. The crashwar was FYI between Genesis and Pure Hatred. Gochance - I feel like I didn't know Tim at all before we had a brief moment of getting to know each other at DI and now. A great person with a great sense of committment, a beast of a caller and an enjoyable person to hang out with. Needs to realize that one day he's going to lose his voice, and this is coming from a person that loves to scream hahahaha. Funkymunky - No opinion. I feel like we didn't have any interaction other than him pussying out everytime I asked him for a fight. Bish - One of my favourite people on this game. Knew what he wanted, knew how to get it and knew how to balance the clan. Kept TT together. As a person, he was a comedian and liked to have fun in his own way. There could not be any TT without him. Evizu - Seemed like he was one of the only sensible leaders VR has had throughout their history. He was easy to talk to and set up fights with. I felt a close connection with my friends over the net than many of my IRL friends. I had a tough childhood and whenever I was on teamspeak/ventrilo, I felt free of all of that. I may have reacted at someone or people in general in an aggressive manner, but I found out that it had to do something with my real life issues being released on people that didn't have to do anything with why I acted the way I did. No regrets at all. I also speak better English than all of my friends combined, and in Sweden, nobody, I mean nobody, speaks bad English.
  15. Respect WL. Thank you for the fight! ❤️
  16. Cackerot, Kinglee30, Hammer455, Tristan138 and S2 Guh S2. Several. @3lite, Islamia, Broski, Ava Ad0re, Bishinmo. All great individuals, ahead of their time and quality in many different aspects. I wish that I joined certain clans at an earlier stage of their existence. Too bad that didn't happen ? I feel like Derek was one of very few individuals who I could talk openly to. Obviously with me being a kid back then, I misunderstood the concept of basic dialogue, patience and routine. I observed the way he would write topics, the words he would use and how he would reach out to people and what kind of influence he would have on them. I respected that a lot and looked up to him in many different ways. Of course, I didn't think about it back then, but I truly believe that everything I've observed from Derek during all of those years has subconsciously made an impact on me in a positive light. Hey Sus. Good to see you around brother ❤️ Some of the favourite members in DI were Hatebreeder, yourself, @Josh, @Venom, @inf`, @Brian obviously he was one of the reasons I joined. A bunch more that I kept close contact with during my time there. I didn't particularly hate anybody in DI. I disliked a few members, but not to the point where it's worth mentioning.
  17. I read a story about how magic was performed as a form of ritualistic healing. It was written centuries ago. I don't recall what it was called. I got inspired. I created an account trying to refer to it as best I could, and thus the creation of Mage Old Day. I know... ? Rot: Losing out on what could be the best time of their existence seeing clans are returning to F2p, actually fighting and enjoying themselves, and they are acting like blind children having no idea what they are doing, convincing their members they are having fun. It's sad really, seeing as Rot was quality when they opened up their doors in the beginning of OSRS. AF: Haven't interacted with them a lot, but they seem to be pulling huge numbers and have an edge on both F2p and P2p. Kudos. Rev: Big numbers, good members. Always enjoy fighting them. Not really sure how they got mixed into the drama and beef. SV: Bunch of parasites, really. DF: Seems to be doing their own thing in P2p. Casually venture into F2p, but I haven't seen much of them to be honest. If they motivated their members, they would become a force in F2p like they once were. Tempest: We were created by bringing lots and lots of individuals from different places. We have taken everything by storm. We practically revived the F2p clanning scene and made it the most active it has ever been since 2016 (?). We made a reform, we're the revolutionists. CL: Haven't seen anything. We fought them once or twice I believe, but nothing special or deserving of a comment. DK, as in Divine Kings? No idea. VR: Saw them fight once or twice. Seems like they are improving and getting better. Hopefully more to come in the close future. EoS: Haven't seen anything yet. WL: A real force of the F2p clanning scene. I give them props for being able to assemble a large amount of Brazilians to rejuvenate Wilderland. They are organized, spam towers always high and respectable memberbase. I always enjoy fighting them. WM: No idea. Downfall: Didn't really get the chance to have any interection with Downfall during OSRS. Jaja: Funny group of people, didn't interact with them. Damage Inc: Always seemed neutral. Got dragged into drama that was usually not theirs but that's also a consequence of the fact that there weren't many big top dogs. You always want to fight, you want to be involved. Had a sick memberbase of high levels in the beginning of OSRS, and if you ask me, if with the proper callers, they would've been 10 times better than RoT.
  18. In terms of quality and structure, The Titans. We had the best of everything: leaders, tanks, callers, snipers. You name it. S2 Guh S2, Ro Arid, Diogo96, Pedro War & Armorhelmet 3 Of course. I tried to join Team Sweden back in the day and improve it. Although many of them back then were interested in skilling and community events. But yes, of course. We didn't quite manage to achieve what other country clans were able to do, unfortunately ? Yes. Do you remember Karatekungen? We've met IRL multiple times. You were like Judas. I actually felt sad. ? To be blunt, yes. I feel like we didn't reach what we set out to. I feel like we could've done so much more. Too bad we threw a lot of it on crashing/other NH activities. Jack was a good leader. He stood up for Genesis and did a lot of good work. He knew how to delegate stuff as well. He had periods of inactivity, periods of disappearing which created some kind of inconsistensy. Islamia was structured leader. He probably is some kind of general/captain within the army. He was formidable, strict, but also fair. Bishinmo was a tad bit more flexible, saw more fun in simple things, wasn't your everyday, conventional boring leader. He formed a big kind of presence. I don't feel like Jack had that. Maybe it has to do something with age.
  19. Difficult question... I'd say it's a coin flip between TT and EH. Putting spies in clans that didn't deserve it. Also crashing clans like RSD on a spare. I've been Genesis where everything that you could imagine take place, although I was never a part of it nor did I condone it. I feel like you were one of the few officials that were easy to talk with. We felt obliged to dislike each other because of the aggressive relationship TT and DF had back then. Although, I never felt any hostility against you or any form of hatred. I did despise some of your officials/members, but never anything against you. In fact, I felt like you were one of the most civilized individuals of the clan world and the mature face of DF. Now, I feel like the aforementioned is developed even more. You promote a sense of affinity in the community, like people belong, a sense of fellowship. I respect that a lot. Corruption at their peak. Seemed like something any individual back then would have wanted to be a part of. Also, DF. It seemed like I knew many people in DF, talked with many people in DF, but for some reason never joined. The difference now is that the year is 2020. I see things differently in comparison to the years of 2007-2012. I feel like there is a lot of transparency in Tempest. There are no sects and no cults like there was back in the day, you know a group of their own, doing their own sorts of activities. Everyone here is in the same boat I feel and there are no favourites. Definitely the 24 hour fight against DF. Can't be matched with anything else. The feeling of 100 people screaming on Teamspeak after winning a fight that lasted for 24 hours. I don't know whether I'll take that kind of accomplishment with me to the trophy cabinet, or perform the walk of shame. I feel like activity and involvement amongst the officials could've been a lot more. We've had periods where officials often disappeared and a pack of 3-4 people lifted the clan up. I feel like we were too trapped in our e-pride to actually realize that we were hurting ourselves and our members, no less. The clan was created after the perfect kind of ideology. We didn't invest a lot of time and care towards the end, which resulted in closing.
  20. Anytime you'd like ❤️ Best memory would have to be when we rolled up to the world war during the first summer of OSRS. We pulled close to 75 people and outperformed clans like DF/DI/VR etc. We kept going for houras and hours. It was enjoyable. Worst memory would be all the hacking/crashing/ddosing against PH. It was senseless and too repetitive. No point and nobody gained anything at the end. 42 years old The community. The people. It seems like everyone is older and more grown up, and yet we're still able to enjoy things together more than we did when we were 15 years old. We've built something really special, gathered seeds from all possible corners, bad or good, and made something of our own. I truly respect the individuals behind this project and putting it together, and lastly the people that joined and made that vision a reality. Tika191 - probably one of the most gifted callers I've ever heard. Slaughter17 - Even though we never led together, I learned a lot from him in terms of in-game sense and transtioning. Plaffy - didn't end well between us at the end of TT, but gotta give credit where credit is due. Hands down one of the best. 3lite - Calm, collected and logical. Cravez - Was a complete monster, especially when we fought DF. Gochance1 and David - Really synced, good chemistry and some of the best transitions/game sense I've seen. 24 hour fight against DF. Easily. Interesting question @true.... I'd say Scuzzedout from TT/Flavofaven99 from EH And probably @Saxo Noobs Inc: Not leaving earlier or even joining in the first place. Gladiatorz: I wish I had gotten the full experience of Gladz. Torment: Nothing, it was just wrong to join seeing that the timezone didn't fit. Genesis Knights: Nothing Eternal Honour: Not joining earlier. I learned more here than any place I've been to. Some of what I've learned, in terms of personality and attributes are things I've taken with me to the real world. There are things I wanted to be changed in the clan in terms of sense of direction, where we were headed and what our end goal would be. I expressed myself in the wrong kind of way, though always had the best interest at heart. The Titans: It was mostly at the end of my time there. I feel a great responsibility of what happened towards the end with TT. Even though I pushed for things to change and improve, I wish that I had gotten a better relationship with certain individuals who at the time suddenly became decision makers for the clan so that we could all have changed the structure and direction of the clan. Unfortunately that was not the case. Genesis: I wish that we didn't get into that stupid crashwar. We kept going because of e-pride and PH did the same thing. It was like children playing buckets and spades in a sandbox. I wish that things didn't escalate as bad as they did. Genesis had lots and lots of potential to get better and improve in terms of quality and turnouts. Damage Inc: The way things were conducted in DI were different to anything I've seen before. The kind of officials, the kind of people, the community, it was different in ways I find diffucult to explain. I liked it. I wanted to be a part of the clan and help out. I was too over enthusiastic at times, both on IRC and TS. I expressed myself in an aggressive kind of way with the intentions of improving the clan. Obviously, that was the wrong approach. I wish that my time in DI could've been longer. Dynasty: Not joining Bearz: Not joining
  21. Qvevri Wines and Saperavi grapes. Saperavi is a personal favourite from Georgia. It produces rich dark red wines suitable for extended aging, sometimes it can be all from 10-50 years. That's what I love about it mostly. What I like about True is his determination to enjoy the game and his diplomatic side. He wants to get things rolling in the right direction and strives sometimes to be the middle man of two people in a conflict to try and solve it. More like a father from Alabama. I'm personally not fond of stepping on grapes even if it has been done in that way for centuries. I believe in hand-mashing. ?
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