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Posts posted by Nanne30

  1. 4 hours ago, Vanzant said:

    I had to kick a long time member once for doing it. It caused a lot of problems because it was hard to prove at the time and people thought I made a big mistake. We lost a good chunk of members over time from that decision 

    who wasit?

  2. 1 hour ago, alice said:

    me and another leader in a clan used to play who can boot each other offline first sometimes back in 2010. Otherwise nothing more than crash war bullshit

    shieeetttt how do you do it lol?

  3. 33 minutes ago, Brian said:

    A lot of clans wouldn't put up with it back in the day. It became a lot more tolerated in OSRS times though.

    Di ever do it?


    1 protein for the rest of your life.

    Which one and why?


    1. fish
    2. pork
    3. beef
    4. chicken
    5. turkey
    6. Lamb
    7.  im a vegetarian and stick plantains up my ass
  5. Did your clan or members ever did ddosing, hacking and weird shit to get a pity win on a online game?


    Did you ever do it? Did you support this back in the day?





  6. Russia proved their army is unexperienced but then again which army hascombat  experience now-a-days? They do, also their weapons and gear sucks compared to what the USA gifted Ukraine, those dudes look like marines now haha


  7. 56 minutes ago, Vanzant said:

    Us would win right now but the way things are heading will change. 


    You also have to consider terrain and how each country fights. I doubt they would be able to defeat Russia in Russia on the. ground. 


    Then again the us is also so spread out over the globe which is a disadvantage in this type of scenario.

    Terrain is a mayor factor, US had to mpull out of vietnam, the jungle won

  8. Which country would give the USA a run for their money either defending or attackig? Scenarios. Alliances of 2 could be made.


    USA invades X country


    X Country Invades USA



    Murica cant be beaten


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