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Wee Man

Old School
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Posts posted by Wee Man

  1. 2 minutes ago, Majin said:

    Big gratz! What goal is next?

    Well I need to waste time on stews and maxing my house out before I move on but after that probably a few quests before I tackle 99 magic. Probably some PvM trips to fix my dwindling cash stack.

  2. [14:42] Tika191: yeah seems like the entertainment industry still isnt very good at writing in diversity without making it a little awkward
    [14:42] Tika191: theyll improve though
    [14:42] Wee Man: too busy fucking kids to learn how.
    [14:42] Teemo: oof
    [14:42] Tika191: ah
    [14:43] Wee Man: lmao
    [14:43] Tika191: on that note
    [14:43] Tika191: brb
    [14:43] Tika191: wait that sounds weird...
    [14:43] Tika191: just "brb"

    • Haha 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, Brian said:

    When things like out lasting the opponent became the norm that was the start of the decline. Why couldn't clans just be happy with their Saturday night F2P fight and leave it at an hour or two? Then it became three and four hours.

    I've heard people blame sites like Zybez being a contributor to this escalating "win at all costs" mentality. Would you agree with that idea?

    I also saw you mention you had a mod account on Zybez at one point, since the site is dead any chance of sharing who that was?

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