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OSRS Burnout


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I've burned out a few times. My life was basically DI for a few years and towards the end I think I was feeling it a bit balancing social/work/online I retired but was still fairly present for fights. Then DI closed and I didnt really bother with RS after a while just logging in from time to time to do some pvm. During covid I was getting the bug to play again looked into what clans were still about and Rev had the most names I recognised/knew so I FA'd for them but a members req was 2k total as most fights happened on 2k at this time. I was never a skiller and was probably around 1750 total. so couple of weeks and I hella burned out. I might still have been there til It closed tbf if I didnt. After a break and speaking with Brian I put in an app for here.











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ofc i got burnedout getting elite void when i was in TR and i stopped playing rs, i am not really playing much atm. Focusing more on my life and work, if i am available i will do clan events, because it is what keeps me here,  i love being in tempy and playing with the bros But for me playing the game once i got the quest cape and found out that getting a 99 is just doing the same thing over and over it stopped making sense. Im here for the clan not the game. Yes at times i feel like playing, i log back in do some bossing and do the same 10 days later or such.  Im not burned out at the moment, just focusing more on my family and work rather than RS, at the end of the day in what way being maxed in rs will benefit you irl XD or any skill in RS, time spent online is less time spent living, earning, making relations, memories and such.



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In terms of playing the actual game (i.e. non-PvP shit), I think I've been pretty burned out since 2018 when I maxed. Still played a fair bit up until 2021 or so, but ever since then there's only been a few week periods where I'll play consistently. Just too much shit in the game, all the ironization, and the lack of low effort (AFK) content.


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first time was like 2010 and just went to pk/fights, 2nd time was like 2013 and i quit for 8 years, im kind of burned out right now but i still go to fights/some pk

ex Border Patrol

ex Reign of Terror oldschool member/moderator

ex Solace member


templar nov dec feb july



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I've been playing since 02 so I've taken multiple year breaks 4 or 5 times now but i always come back. I've been playing again for a little over a year now after a 4 year hiatus after DI closed and still enjoying the game with what free time i have. 




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Absolutely, happens all the time, just have to have goals or realistic expectations with the amount of time you're willing to dedicate to the game. In reality, it still is one of the better games out there.. and its' why we still come back after all this time, even after the burnout. It'll always be there - no stress


Totschlagen - IM Wojak - Cloud Rat

Previously The Stricken Cards - License 2 Kill - Infinite Lurers - Reign of Terror

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