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Master Clues - Never Do Dragon's Eye Step Again

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The same tier clue scroll steps are shared among clues and you can use the torn scrolls from one clue for another clue.


The method:

1) Next time you get a master clue with a decent 3 stepper -- do NOT complete it and simply bank the clue.

2) Since getting masters is up to your control (you either go to Watson or open another tier casket), next time you are trying to get a Master or have a chance at obtaining one, drop the current one in your bank close to a bank (e.g., crafting guild) and get the new master. It will last on the ground for 1 hour of being logged in the game. If you log out the timer stops. If for whatever reason it takes you longer than 1 hour of being logged on to complete the clue you can always drop/juggle the clues. The "Clue Juggling Timer" on RuneLite Plugin Hub will tell you long you have till the clue despawns.

3) Complete the new master. If you get an annoying 3 stepper (e.g., runite ore, dragon's eye, etc.) then:

i) Drop the current master clue.

ii) Pick up the dropped master and do the easy 3 stepper instead. Do not combine the scrolls yet.

iii) Drop the "good" master.

iv) Pick up the master clue scroll with the bad 3 stepper, combine the scrolls now to complete the step.

4) Go on and complete the clue.

5) Pick up the dropped master clue and bank it to use it to speed through any annoying 3 steppers in the future.


In step 3 if you get a better 3 stepper in the master you were trying to complete versus the one you have dropped, you can always swap the clues (the steps completed are shared). Here is a table on the approximate seconds it takes to each 3 step clue.


This way you never have to do any annoying steps like Dragon's eye ever again. 


Although this method was always possible in the past, it was more annoying since the despawn timer was much shorter than an hour. Now it is made very easy, and very viable for masters since you have this "good" master pretty much banked most of the time since you know you won't get a master clue from a monster drop.


Method for illustration (Tbh both clues had decent 3 steppers, but one is slightly easier/better). 


  • bank 1




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thats pretty neat to know with the new 1 hour clue scroll drop timer


thanks for sharing ned



OTP | Barrow Slayerz | RIP Peck | Beach Bros Unit





Walk Here Isndar (level-126) / 3 more options



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a lot of effort instead of just doing a clue step that isn't that bad which i'm pretty sure they're changing anyways 








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