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Theres no scene Right now, gonna list then Pre-EoC and OSRS



1: RSD (consistent and dominat)

2: VR (from what they accomplished through all the years)

3: DF (Massive quality per member and huge honor/non-hacking history)

4: DI (maybe 3? from what they accomplished, but never really saw what they did until Rejuvenation)

5: SE (massive quality being able to outnumber huge clans like WL, TCL, Fools etc)



1: ROT (always was top 1 p2p we can't deny.)

2: DI (Guess we could say DI was top one but they closed so...ROT was always been there)

3: AF ( was on point at some point )

4: Brutallity (was a major force at some point but never had the quality to outgun the above clans.)




1- ROT (reached a level of perfection which was like they made it an e-Sport, nothing personal...they reached a level outside the game, first clan which did it in this entire game, they almost became a brand)

2- Fools (can't describe what Finnish ppl did, they were head to head with a multi clanning as RoT, they really brought a headache to RoT)

3- DF (DF was sharp for all this years, still doing shit on p2p but was a major force on F2P. Personally we fought RoT sometimes and was just a matter of numbers, not quality)

4- VR (lost his head A.K.A Evizu and it cost their strength)

5- Downfall,FSK,TR,Others (were cool but never had expression) 



1- RoT (Numbers and quality were huge and massive, they were experienced since pre-EOC)

2- AF (was a thing at some point)

3- Brut (was a thing at some point too, were my favorite OSRS caller was on fire [Hecticdan AKA George])

4- Others.

Edited by Victor
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4 hours ago, David said:

RS2 Matched 

1. RSD

2. Solace

3. VR

4. DF

5. TT


OSRS Matched

1. ROT/Fools

2. Fools/ROT

3. DF

4. DI

5. VR


It’s always who built the pyramids and never how are the pyramids ? 



Leader / Founder at: 


~ Clans & Teams ~



Satan's Men | Sorrow of Knights | Chivalry Legion | Australian Army | The Neggas Clan | Anarchy | Prodigy | KCR | The Migrants | Agony | TuF | Infliction | Ronin | Damage Incorporated | Violent Resolution | Divine Forces | Chivalry Legion 2.0 | Divine Kings | Cutthroat | Currently Chivalry Legion |


Hitsquad - Founder / Leader - Retired/Left

Ayuda/CommunityPk - Officer/Council (Yeah, I did that) 

Bad Intention - Warlord (Closed)

Team X - Moderator (Closed)


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