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How did you find RuneScape?


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Back when dinossaurs existed, my fellas used to play and told me about this, but I didnt have internet at home. My first day playing runescape was the first day I had internet eheh


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I belive from miniclip.. was either my brother or me that found out first. Been too long, can’t remember too much lol


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A bunch of kids in my year at school wouldn't stop talking about it for weeks. One night I went out for dinner with my parents for a family friends birthday; at the restaurant they had this small internet cafe with 5 computers in there that you could hire. Our family friends owned the place so they said that I could play on one for free. I didn't know what to do, but curiosity got the best of me and I went to runescape.com and here we are still to this day. 


Because I didn't have a PC at home, I spent the next 3 months biking to the public library every day after school and playing for a couple of bucks a day. Shortly after my mother discovered where all my pocket money was going, she decided to get a PC for home; god bless her. 

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Miniclip, like many others here. Bless that site, I'm sure it was the source of many, many new RuneScape players. Looking for "free online games" was common practice for kids back then, and RuneScape was at the top of the list.

Edited by Micael Fatia




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