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Did EOC Actually Kill RS?


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People complain about squeal of fortune a lot (with good reason) and it's related MTX, but without it jagex would have went bankrupt in 2011. Their accounts show this. If that happened we wouldn't have ever had osrs. 

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Jagex killed it when they remove free trading and wilderness and rs3 is too advance compare to the RuneScape we grew up on so having OSRS was a perfect timing thing





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2 minutes ago, david said:

Jagex killed it when they remove free trading and wilderness and rs3 is too advance compare to the RuneScape we grew up on so having OSRS was a perfect timing thing

dude u were like 5


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11 hours ago, Brian said:

I think the game was in terminal decline a long time prior to EoC. The removal of free trade (and wilderness) when the game was at it's absolute peak of popularity is what started that decline.


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i feel the trend that RS3 was following at the time wouldve made people quit eventually, EZscape and microtransactions wouldve finished the game off so to speak.


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Wilderness removal back in 2007 Killed RuneScape

It made half of players quit that game and I'm not even exaggerating
and EOC made Half of that Half quit the game...


We had 2mil daily login players in 2006

Wildy removal made for 1 million players quit

now with 1mil players left in the game, EOC made 50% of that quit as well

making RS3 being left with about 500K players and in constant declining


Then came OSRS and many left RS3 to play OSRS

and since OSRS inception, we've been getting climbing numbers constantly even off league season players are returning somehow


So we can't really blame EOC, I also did my best asking if not begging Jagex to MAKE A SEPARATE SERVER FOR EOC and let RS2 combat stays but they ignore my plead


2001-2007 was all about PKing and Clans

only after Wildy Removal 2007 and the updates on GWD that people starts transitioning towards Bossing than PKing


hence the term PVMers existed and PKers is in decline (why PK 200k for rune sets when u can get 75m for Arma Hilts?)




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EoC did a great job speeding it up, but it was hardly the only factor
It's probably been addressed already in another comment (haven't read all yet), but RuneScape is a super dated game. Don't misunderstand, I love it, I grew up with it, it'll always be a fond memory. But back in the day, computers were a "new" thing for most of us kids. I couldn't afford great games that offered community options, and RuneScape was something fun, exciting and most of all easily accessible no matter who you were.
But at a certain point, gaming itself evolved, the standards of what makes a good and exciting game skyrocketed. Most kids today seeing RuneScape wouldn't give it a hour of their day, let alone the thousands of hours we all invested.
People grow up, get married, get jobs / pursue careers, or just flat out... die. So we're a dying breed, and nobody is replacing us as we disappear from the game. RuneScape was never going to last forever, things will never be the same. We would eventually end up right where we are. But EoC, the removal of the Wilderness etc were bad decisions that sped it up.

Edited by Micael Fatia




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