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Damn that shit is 2 hours, but as someone who has worked with children a lot in the past (but admittedly does not have any of my own) I wholeheartedly believe in gentle parenting. My family is very traditional and has, as you can imagine, very negative views of what they think of as gentle parenting. I'm relatively passionate about it because of abuse I've witnessed/experienced, but I know that a lot of people don't or won't care so I'll try to be brief.


What most people who dismiss gentle parenting believe it to be is not gentle parenting. It is permissive/neglectful and can be abusive in it's own way. I did not watch the video, but what most grifters and clickbait articles do is define permissive/neglectful parenting and portray it as gentle parenting so I assume that's what Megyn Kelly does here. Gentle parenting is parenting your child in a way that expresses empathy and understanding to what they are experiencing. This increases their confidence, self image, emotional intelligence, among other things. What gentle parenting isn't is letting your child walk all over you like you will often see in videos of parents calmly talking to a child having a meltdown or misbehaving. Certain situations require gentle parenting just as much as certain situations require authoritative parenting. In my opinion, multiple parenting styles are necessary. 


Just because someone was abused and "turned out ok" does not mean that they were not wronged. It also does not mean that their abuse does not show up in their life in other ways. While one may have grown up with a firm disciplinarian for a parent, talking through your past experiences is a good way to identify things that may have been abusive so that you do not repeat them should you have your own children.


Edit: I watched like 20 minutes of the video and every part I skipped to was just such a dumb as fuck take. Christ, how does she have an audience.


Edited by Bobby
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