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The Rising AMA - Clugred, Des Troyer, Hscrusader07, Monkeyfbi135

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5 hours ago, Monkey said:


If TR hadn’t been The Rising, it should have been named No Surrender. Not because that’s a good clan name, but because The Rising is a Bruce Springsteen song and so is No Surrender. Gotta keep the pattern going.


This might've been asked before, but is the Springsteen song/album where the name came from?

- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



On 6/2/2021 at 12:22 AM, Monkey said:

My impressions of you in TR… you were an interesting combination of maturity and naïveté. You were well intentioned and calm (alarmingly calm…), but I always wondered if one day you would crack and just be an immature little shit like the rest of the people your age. I was secretly hoping you would.

You nailed it. I absolutely agree with that assessment of me. At the time I wanted to put my best foot forward and give a good impression. Ever since I was a kid, I always loved hearing that I was mature and capable of being with those several years older, wiser and more experienced than me. However, since I didn't have a lot of life experience yet, there were some areas where I was definitely naive about and I'm sure you remember some of them! Shit posting/trolling wasn't something I did too often, but your sense of humour always amused and enticed me which made things a lot more entertaining than the monotonous grind of Runescape.


On 6/2/2021 at 12:22 AM, Monkey said:

I don’t regret playing RS for as long as I did, but I wish I hadn’t been quite so addicted. I spent way too much of my time in high school and college on this game.

Likewise, I agree. I've even had thoughts of what could have happened to me if I played less or wasn't introduced to Runescape by my friend to begin with. I have some fond memories I've made on the game, however, sometimes I can't help but imagine what else I could have done in real life during that period of time.




A couple more questions:


Did some TR members look back with nostalgia, put on some rose-tinted glasses and think that things like the community and warring could be the same on OSRS as they were pre-EOC?


Would a summer reunion back in 2015 for a few months had been a more suitable idea? And if some wanted to continue playing, perhaps they could have created a new clan with a different name, different ethos or even join an existing one instead?

Good to see some old names. I hope everyone is doing well. Must say I did enjoy the atmosphere in TR the couple of years I was there until it closed, and always had a lot of time for many of the officials/members. It was a pleasant place, with very little drama. Anyone still hear from Finny? 

Pills #6666 - for anyone that wants to reconnect on disc. Hope you’re all well 🙂 



Edited by Pillspoo
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14 hours ago, Blogs said:


This might've been asked before, but is the Springsteen song/album where the name came from?

Haha no, I’m pretty sure @Des Troyer and @Clugred didn’t know about The Boss. Not sure how popular he is in the UK.

6 hours ago, Steikas said:

Why RSD was our last fight before closing @Monkey

We were out of options (also a reason for closing in the first place). FSK would never have accepted. DF, VR, and ROT were all crashing each other I believe, and we wanted a clean fight. I don’t remember what TT was up to, but they weren’t as flexible as RSD with fight times. Same with Solace - they would have asked for like 10 GMT start or so. We knew RSD would give us a clean fight and a reasonable start time. Unfortunately we didn’t feel that we could get that from any other clan.

15 hours ago, Pillspoo said:

Good to see some old names. I hope everyone is doing well. Must say I did enjoy the atmosphere in TR the couple of years I was there until it closed, and always had a lot of time for many of the officials/members. It was a pleasant place, with very little drama. Anyone still hear from Finny? 

Pills #6666 - for anyone that wants to reconnect on disc. Hope you’re all well 🙂 



Finny randomly added me on Facebook when we were in TR. Based off his activity there I can tell you that he’s probably still alive, but I haven’t been in touch with him.

16 hours ago, Smooth Edge said:

You nailed it. I absolutely agree with that assessment of me. At the time I wanted to put my best foot forward and give a good impression. Ever since I was a kid, I always loved hearing that I was mature and capable of being with those several years older, wiser and more experienced than me. However, since I didn't have a lot of life experience yet, there were some areas where I was definitely naive about and I'm sure you remember some of them! Shit posting/trolling wasn't something I did too often, but your sense of humour always amused and enticed me which made things a lot more entertaining than the monotonous grind of Runescape.


Likewise, I agree. I've even had thoughts of what could have happened to me if I played less or wasn't introduced to Runescape by my friend to begin with. I have some fond memories I've made on the game, however, sometimes I can't help but imagine what else I could have done in real life during that period of time.




A couple more questions:


Did some TR members look back with nostalgia, put on some rose-tinted glasses and think that things like the community and warring could be the same on OSRS as they were pre-EOC?


Would a summer reunion back in 2015 for a few months had been a more suitable idea? And if some wanted to continue playing, perhaps they could have created a new clan with a different name, different ethos or even join an existing one instead?

I honestly don’t remember why we reopened in 2015. I think Dan felt there was some potential for the clan world being reinvigorated and wanted to give it another shot. But yes, nostalgia certainly got the better of us. Not sure what the best option would have been. Maybe just opening a new clan to begin with would have been better, since a temporary reunion might have been a tough sell.


On 6/1/2021 at 6:14 AM, 3lite said:

I remember Des and Clug from my time in Gladz - wanted to start by saying I'm glad to see you both around and hope you've been well.


Wanted to say hi to Monkey as well.  We didn't have the best relationship in EH/after EH, but I hold no grudges from a long time ago.


For Clug: I was always really impressed by TMRD while in Gladz, and then later when TMRD had wars/capped PKRIs with EH.  I felt like TMRD had greater activity and desire to be involved in PKRIs than the other alliance clans.  Did you find that there were a disproportionate number of TMRD joining TR relative to the other alliance clans?


For Des: Why do you think TR was such an appealing option for many ex-DS members?


For HS: You mentioned disappointment from the lack of PK dedication in "The."  What was your opinion of Germs22?


For all:  I feel like TR was a clan born slightly too late.  There were a lot of people in the Alliance that were desiring a more PK-oriented experience around 2006 and dispersed to other clans.  If formed slightly earlier, it is possible that TR would have captured a lot of those folks that went elsewhere.  Additionally, around 2006, EH, VR, and DF were all pulling around ~60 people (still fairly low).  They really built off each other through competition and rivalry.  TR could have also grown off that competition.  Do you think TR might have looked different if formed a year earlier?


For all: What do you think TR's greatest strength was in PKRIs?

For all: Pre-EoC, how was TR's relationship with CL? A clan that was generally of similar size and perhaps of a similar situation (often limited to a certain style of fight due to timezone).

For all: Pre-EoC, how would you characterize your rivalry with The Red Devil Clan?  @Dubbel Drank and I were talking about the TR-RDC rivalry recently.

You all should be proud of the mark TR made in Runescape.  TR started at a time when making a new clan was tough and stood the test to time relative to many others created in the same period.  Respect to you all and to TR - Thanks for doing this AMA!


To echo Claire's sentiments, we didn't intentionally set out to draw from TA, even if that is what organically happened due to groups of friends and a disillusionment shared with many PvPers within TA. Alas, I would agree that if TR was founded earlier, it likely would have picked up more of those PvPers before they left TA clans for elsewhere (on that note, it was saddening to see TA clans being ranked lower on people's Zybez listings over time, even 20-30 by the end of 2007, although TMRD was still regarded by some as top 15 at that point, if I remember rightly). Also, yes, to have been around at that earlier point alongside EH, VR, and DF would have been fruitful. The state of the game is a major factor, too, given that we only had 5 months before Jagex ruined things with the wilderness removal. We were in a very good place at December 2007 and it took time to get back to that after the wave of retirements that would follow in tandem with the changes.

I'd say our greatest strength was tenacity. i.e. Even in 2007 as a new clan, if we encountered a DF/Cor/RSD, we'd unyieldingly put up a fight regardless of knowing the inevitability of the numbers eventually being insurmountable. This mentality was just as important an imprint to us our community values.

While we didn't get to interact with them much, we did have positive relations with CL. e.g. I do remember our CWPL wars with them fondly due to how easy that was to setup. Despite the huge timezone difference, a compromise was quickly reached that would be just as much of an inconvenience for both. 

RDC gave us many memorable encounters over the years and were a credit to the GMT timezone.


Franzk was pivotal in the group of ex-DS joining, although I like to think the reason they stayed was due to enjoying our ethos and culture.

Thank you very much for those kind words.


On 6/2/2021 at 8:53 AM, Peter said:

@Des Troyer What are your thoughts, looking back, on the New Blood project we had after reopening TR in 2015? Do you think something like this would have been more successful during the 2007-2012 period? Were you guys ever thinking about creating a junior clan during your active leadership? 

It would have been more successful in 2007-2012, just like anything else, but I did very much enjoy that experience and met some great people along the way. I do wish that I had more time with it before having to leave RS behind once and for all. NB proved that it was very possible (as well as relatively easy) to find people oblivious to clanning and introduce them to warring. The only necessary prerequisite was patience and a departure from an uncompromising elitist mindset which, alongside the toxicity and longstanding grudges, has ensured that the clan world will continue to wither away over time. Also, no, while I did like the thought of a junior clan in the past, it never went beyond meme status. Perhaps if the wilderness hadn't been removed it could have been a tempting and worthwhile project to pursue back then.

On 6/6/2021 at 7:03 AM, Smooth Edge said:



Did some TR members look back with nostalgia, put on some rose-tinted glasses and think that things like the community and warring could be the same on OSRS as they were pre-EOC?



Yeah, it was a wave of irrepressible nostalgia and hopefulness that the clan world climate would be very different. Admittedly, I knew nothing about the clan world of 2015 and its crash war culture, while I thought that we could, in essence, just be in our own bubble regardless of how things were. Most would leave the game again within a year or two due to not enjoying the game and/or clan world, but even so, for me personally it was a wonderful experience to reconnect with old names, as well as to connect with some people that I had never had the chance to due to my large periods of absence during the 2010-2012 years.


Once again, thanks for doing the AMA. It truly has been a blast from the past!


One final question:


People are probably wondering, where is Sooz? Why isn't she here participating in this AMA? How is she doing and what's she up to? Did she make a decision to permanently quit the game and never come back again after the original TR closed in 2012?


If any of you ever get in contact with her, tell her I said hi and I hope your doing well. I want to thank her for being patient, kind and welcoming to me when I first joined.

On 6/1/2021 at 7:12 PM, Monkey said:

Ok, so let me preface this by saying I don’t hold grudges for what happened all those years ago and I’m trying to answer this objectively, as you requested. FOOLS and CU were clearly great clans, but it would have been a lot easier to respect them if they hadn’t been so insistent on crashing us. And I’m pretty sure that imperative came from you. You would tell me that you guys were only crashing us because we wouldn’t fight you, which in my opinion was a very poor attempt at justifying your actions. It seemed petty to me, like you had some sort of bone to pick with us and got some sort of amusement from crashing us.


I understand that RuneScape is just a game that can be played however you want. But my opinion has always been that if your idea of having fun in a game is going out of your way to make sure other people don’t have fun, you’re kind of a dick. And that’s not directed solely at you - that’s how I feel about everyone who goes out of their way to crash, ddos (this one doesn’t apply to fools/CU), or whatever else people are doing these days.


I didn’t think very highly of you as a person for these reasons, but your ability as a leader manifested itself through the success of Fools/CU. 

Fuck, was meant to post a lot but got carried away. 


I remember Finnish people (both NG and Fools) hating TR because it was pretty obvious what you were doing against us GMT +2 clans. You knew the timezone difference and it was getting late for us - so you basically outlasted till 12-3am GMT bunch of times just to get a cheap win. When you would fight against EST clans you barely fought them longer. And against us it was always the same thing.. just trying to outlast till it's too late - obviously. But it got repetitive and people actually saw it disrespectful at the time. I also remember people hating on Sooz, she was talking about Finnish suicide rates and whatnot. This was all before all the crashing etc. And it's been years now, but somehow I still remember all that 


Random video hidden on my youtube channel (look at us two bonding at RDG 🙂)



But yes you're right. All the crashing and whatnot started because we pulled 100 pretty much constantly and nobody would fight us. We had no beef at the time with anyone except we hated you guys, so it was an easy option for action. 


Personally always hated your leadership team, it was difficult and picky to set up fights.. Jeff, Finny...... fuck me all the headaches trying to setup a fight with all the strict rules LOL. Personally always liked you and Zafia, despite how I acted at the time, that was only clan beef. 


I think we can all say that we had some great fights and made some great memories, drama/beef is always somehow involved. Definitely no hard feelings now in 2021.


Few random pictures (I probably have like 100x "gf tr endings" but ye, they look all the same)








Thanks for the AMA, was a great read. 👍

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