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Wilderness Expansion?


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havent dove that deep into it but from what im hearing/seeing from replies on this topic its prolly not that good of an idea. i mean wildy bosses were popular for a little while but theyre virtually dead now? you can slap lipstick on a pig but at the end of the day its still a pig. id like to see them do some different things to the current wilderness we have like everyone else has mentioned before adding more content that will just die out. 


however i am a huge fan of them limiting the wildy to certain worlds (sets or randomized w/e) if that was something they were to entertain (but lets be honest, prolly wont lol) and then introduce these changes. i mean who the fuck goes north of members gate anyways? only decently popular spot there is rogues/50 port or skorpia/dark crabs area. dont really even see that many people pking at lever or MB these days. 


tldr i think itll be a wash and wont do what jagex's intentions are.

Edited by John


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I'm somewhere in the middle about this update. Expanding the wilderness will create some new hotspots for pking, but the biggest worry that I have is the randomly spawning wilderness boss. Imagine you are in a p2p fight with a clan and this boss spawns into the action. That's going to be some additive fun. 


I can also see why people are against the safe looting bag. If protecting item prayer wasn't enough, now players can risk their entire bank and keep it safe by putting items in the bag. There is the chance that they won't be able to get everything into the bag before dying, but the most expensive will be saved. 

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