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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. 1 minute ago, Monkey5 said:

    r u the guy who impersonated timebeast then sir achillez then "reopened rsd" ??

    Yep that’s him. I’m gonna leave a comment on here later tonight when I’m home, this guy is actually a freak who got rejected from the community by every main clan in the scene so his only recourse to cope was to impersonate clanners that haven’t been active in the scene since god knows how long.

  2. You never got back to me on Discord!

    You left fairly abruptly during OSRS, I hope everything has been well with you and it’s good to see you active again.

    Outside of RS, what are some of your favorite hobbies? Anything you’re particularly passionate about?

    Is there a trait or fact about you that you wish more people knew? (Could be RS or RL related, that’s for you to decide).

    Also, who managed to convince you to come back and be active again?


  3. 1. Ghjjf (Easily the best clan leader I’ve had, very no nonsense and perceptive)

    2. Flako Rlz (Extremely active, Helpful and involved)

    3. @Hat (Couldn’t make a list without this guy, had fun working with him)

    4. Icedrop (Very community oriented, organized, and motivated. Very invested and engaging with his members)

    5. Filed (Solid PK Leader, wish I got to see more out of him in OSRS)



  4. Nah Slayer is better for sure. If you got the right tasks blocked it goes fast and it's much more profitable.

    Nice job by the way, I'd recommend not doing a full task of Blue's at Vorkath unless you absolutely need superiors, it can take a while to crush.

  5. I know you! Nice video, that's a different approach!


    Shoot me a message here on the forums, haven't seen you in-game in a bit and I'd like to chat with you again.

  6. 3 hours ago, Mat K said:

    I think they are an essential part of the future of OSRS. I spent a lot of time in clans back in 04-08 and I know the importance of them when it comes to group content and there is an obvious drive to encourage group content in OSRS right now.

    This is frustrating and encouraging to hear at the same time. 

    While I agree with your statement wholeheartedly, it appears that there is almost no motivation from the OSRS Development Team in regards to enhancing the Player Vs. Player experience. The Player Vs. Monster aspect of the game has been bolstered time and time again, almost back to back, with rather consistent effort being devoted to multi-man bosses, raids development and improvements, etc. while there has been almost no support for this community.

    Your involvement in our scene has been extraordinarily valuable to all of us over the years, and I’ve thanked you personally countless times for your efforts.

    What I want to know is, do you feel there has been a failure on Jagex’s part to provide sufficient support and suggestions to help improve the PvP dynamic of the game, and if so, what could have been done better? Do you think we’ll ever see any sort of direct 1st party/in-game support for clans? I would also love to hear any ideas you have had in this area as well.

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