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Everything posted by Kody

  1. Brings a tear to my eye
  2. AFKing my way to 90 at stars myself.. gz and godspeed soldier
  3. Kody


    I've been homeless in the past and live in Philly, where we have a severe opioid and homeless issue, as most people are aware of. It's sad to see it get as bad as it has and there are really no true solutions, eventually the national guard will come in and push out the homeless encampments and arrest a few dealers, but it just gets pushed away to other blocks. They will develop new apartment buildings and yuppies will move in, and then in a few years they'll want to build more condos wherever the drug market moved to and it's a continued cycle. Sad stuff. IMK makes some good points, the U.S infrastructure, particularly in poor black cities is just completely in shambles and unfortunately there is no guarantee that offering housing to addicts and the homeless population here would resolve anything, only would become drug dens filled with abusers and crime, like most section 8 here. Rent protection and decriminalization is a good start.
  4. Kody

    Yeezy pods?

    I am a huge Ye stan and love him to death.. my old signatures were all Ye. But these "shoes" are a no-go and look like low quality shit compared to his previous output. I bought a Vultures shirt for $20 though lol
  5. Ethiopian food where I live is top notch, also am dumb addicted to chipotle, ngl
  6. Kody

    Dream car?

    Ford Raptor if I was in a rural area, maybe some kind of BMW or luxury sedan whilst in the city.
  7. Huge gains, gz. I need a rogues outfit, too fire..
  8. I have some serious doubts about some of these passing polls, they seem game breaking in ways, especially the healing one. We'll see..
  9. Garmin Instinct if I'm out and about, at the gym, or not really caring. I have a Rolex Pepsi that I never wear and a Seiko Alpinist I like even more and wear somewhat regularly. Bunch of others in my collection too. Waiting to buy a Hamilton Khaki Field Mechanical sometime this year.
  10. Huge accomplishment, I'm jealous and hoping to match you later this year! Grats!
  11. Not too many friends still around and no offense to the few that are, but I don't think I could put up with the levels of maturity or lack there of by a lot of those people, particularly the newer ones. Some people are very much stuck in the old times and.. we're all like 30 now (lol) - I'd like to just hang out and be a part of a chiller and smaller community Edit: Also I'm not Maver LOL
  12. Runescape Name (Don't post if login name) IBM Thinkpad Preferred Name Kody, IBM, whatever Current Clan I hang around a skilling clan called Obelus, but other than that, nothin' Previous Clan History L2K, The Neggas Clan, Infinite Lurers, Divine Forces, Reign of Terror, probably a few other old ones I am forgetting Who do you know in Tempest? Not really anyone on a personal level, but plenty of familiar faces and names from old clan world stuff. How did you find/hear about Tempest? Ghjjf RSWiki page (lol) - was struggling to find active PK clans and came across Tempest after going on a nostalgia trip for awhile. Are you interested in joining? Yeah, potentially sometime in the near future. I have some real life obligations to take care of first. Brief Introduction Hey, my name is Kody - I have played RS on and off since 2006. I spent a lot of time in the clan world but took a "permanent" hiatus since 2014 (Left RoT, quit RS entirely for a few years).. I have been hanging around and trying to max my account later this year, looking to find a community and some friends on the game. In real life, I am a huge Philadelphia Phillies fan, I play music, read a lot, and am finishing a degree. Thanks for taking time to read this post, looking forward to meeting new people and reacquainting with old.
  13. Just read this in enhanced mode while listening to Drowning Pool, thank you based True 2K8
  14. This is the correct answer. The second I saw this thread, it popped into mind lol
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