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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Nick

    Jebrim AMA

    Why do you think that a southern gentleman with high moral standards like yourself gets a bad wrap on the internet? What are your thoughts on cancel culture?
  2. That no thankyou guy sounded pretty upset over trues speakerphone lol
  3. Nick

    Jebrim AMA

    Would you say it’s easier or more difficult getting girls once you tell them you have 1b agility xp and were the first to max on osrs
  4. Seems like VR is actually the new ‘rot jr’ with how dogshit that crash attempt was 😭🤣
  5. 1. Af - highest pulls puts u here 2. Clumpa cc 3. wl - @Filz 4. adversity - glen 5. Rage - ye 6. Rev - gime my 1k deaths. till then u stuck #6 7. Pluto cc - vr + dr merge cc 53 in cc 21 in game puts u here 8. Ronin
  6. Had to drive stick to pass farm school
  7. Just curious bc we got a lot of foreigners here like @Joe who drives a moped
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