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Posts posted by Vitor

  1. 1- What are your thoughts about @Aiorya calling versus VR in what I believe was a JCUP fight, could you guys describe what happened and how did you feel after that? Also, is this something similar to what happened? 



    2- What are your thoughts on wearing pink boots to every fight? Why did you told your best member to stop using them?


    3-  What was your reaction when you found out that WL leader had a spy in TCL for a while and, IIRC he was mentioned to be promoted before he got caught?


    4-  I believe we share the same opinion that we shared the Top 1/2 spot for a long time, do you think there was any other clan in our scene that would be able to challange for a Top #1 spot?


    5- If you were able to get anyone that wasn't in TCL (and never joined TCL before), who would that be and why?


    6- BR/PT scene had a lot of funny RSN's, do you have any favorite that you can remember?


    7- More directed to @Frankventura but if any you want to comment on this. Portugal community was always pretty big and succesfull and I believe you (Frank) is one of the reasons why, what's the biggest difference between Brazillian/Portuguese communities?


    8- Also for Frank (or any of you that joined Exotic, not sure if anyone else was in), do you think there was any difference in joining WL or Exotic as in reality you can say both share the same idea?


    9- I believe Obina said before that he used to hate one of WL members and once he joined the current WL and met the guy he found out that he was actually a good guy, my question is, do you have any names that you used to hate but now that you met in different circumstances you have a new idea about him?


    10- What was your first reaction/thoughts when you first heard the song that Luchinot made about TCL (I believe it was in TCL early days and none of you were involved in the lyrics)? Did you ever unintentionally sing this song because it was stuck in your head?


    11- If WL did not reopen last year, do you believe that any other clan reopening would be the same? Asking this based on the fact that WL had some old members that would not come back if it wasn't for WL

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 12/8/2020 at 12:29 PM, Flukejiver said:

    Other than the other Brazilian country clans, who would you say would be your biggest rival if you have one? What country clan do you like fighting the most? The least?

    At some point I'd say it was EoS, just because we were in a crash war with HA and would team up with them (or atleast some of them would show up, idk), other than that not sure who would've been our rival if not a brazilian country clan. Favorite probably TCL/Fools, the least it was probably LG/TBK just because they had their own beef and when we fought them just felt like any other fight.


    On 12/8/2020 at 12:32 PM, King_Obina said:

    Who is the most annoying clan mate you ever had?

    Well, I think most people can say I'm a pretty calm/chill guy, but there was a guy in WL who would take that away and it was Iam_victor. He was one of our callers and would always cry when he was getting sniped and annoying stuff like that, so 100% that guy


    On 12/8/2020 at 1:19 PM, Leeo said:

    How do you felt when back to 2010, Angelin leaked HA's forum with a PK Leader Mask and deleted all topics and posts?

    Felt it was like, an eye for an eye basically. Since HA had done other stuff to us (or friends, but they were basically the same)


    On 12/8/2020 at 1:34 PM, MILAD said:

    Opinions on The Titans?

    Really liked TT, if I recall correctly I tried joining TT but it never worked because I'd prioritize WL over anything else. But they always looked like a really strong clan and could perform really good, had some brazilian mates in there as well I believe.


    On 12/8/2020 at 2:59 PM, Adam_ said:

    obviously your memberlist and the portuguese clanning community are spread across a few different countries, but i imagine there's a fair chance some people, including rivals, live relatively close to one another. has there been any irl confrontations over clan things? whether it was positive and just people meeting up to hang out or people being idiots over a video game


    what's the most nh thing you've done as part of any clan?

    - We had some meetings with WL people who lived near each other, and I remember that once they were all together at same place for a WL vs SoG fight which I think was really fun. And for confrontations with other clans or stuff like that, I don't think there was anything like that.


    - I can't think of anything really lmao, I was always the guy who'd say that I like to win fights in game and not doing stuff outside of it so ye, probably was DDoSing someone but it wasn't fight related, just someone I disliked and was messing with him when I could.


    On 12/8/2020 at 3:39 PM, King_Obina said:

    Any of you remember when UK_REI actually called Mataoumorre saying we (TCL) were out trying to find you? How was the reaction on your TS when that happened?

    I believe it was a wekeend where we both were hunting each other (or something like that), and instead of pming on IRC he called him, it was pretty funny lmao we all laughed hard and said "hek ye leggo" basically


    On 12/8/2020 at 3:46 PM, Lemaster said:

    Why would @Mat K ever say this about you??



    It was April Fools and he was joking with us, we had a great laugh and a beer together after this.


    On 12/8/2020 at 5:08 PM, Adrian said:

    Why is it so hard to kill someone with 43 defence?

    The lower the defence the lower you hit on them I'm pretty sure


    On 12/8/2020 at 6:56 PM, Dox17 said:

    love @D96 and @Vitor

    Love ya my boy Dox ❤️


    On 12/8/2020 at 10:11 PM, david said:

    Who's the biggest freaks in the brazilian scene 

    Markito probably by far, there was some other freaks like Rafael Under, Adenina but I guess Markito wins this one.


    On 12/8/2020 at 10:36 PM, Paul said:

    how much do you all bench

    same as d96


    On 12/8/2020 at 10:36 PM, Paul said:

    how come @Vitor never got into curvefever

    I actually played a bit of it lmfao, I think it was most with brazilian boys and not like D96 because he'd always say something and add "wanna play curve?" after l0l


    On 12/8/2020 at 10:40 PM, Paul said:

    what are the pros and cons of a country clan?


    do you guys have sick meet-ups irl? funniest story if so? 


    with the changes to snare and mage pray in regards to cwa, do you like it more or less, and how has your approach changed as callers?

    - The community aspect can be really good, you get to know people and sometimes have really good friends that can turn out to be real life friends, not that it cannot happen in a international clan but I feel it is most likely to happen in a country clan. On the other side, recruiting can be really bad and you just have to accept what you have and what you can recruit, so sometimes we would hold something and not remove someone because we knew it was hard to replace that guy.


    - Ye, I didn't get to meet everyone I could unfornately, but every now and then there was a bbq where people would get drunk and do something stupid. I remember that one of our guys would always get drunk and stake all his bank until he loses everything


    - From a caller perspective it's fine just because now basically if you land a snare and have a solid pile the guy will 100% die, it's a bit broken I'd say but ye. I think what changed the most is that you can now switch piles really easy, once you have someone bound and he's not taking any damage you have 6-10 seconds to find another pile and switch so that was what I tried to get everytime.


    18 hours ago, Pietru said:

    Did you have any english members for any period of time? If yes who was the most notable english member?

    They were not members that went thru application thing and such, but by the point where we would get crashed by 50+ people everytime we said "fuck it" and would invite some peole to fight for us. There was always some guys who would attend like, 90-100% of our fights, names that I can remember was John (DR Leader nowadays) and Ghottu (if I'm not mispelling his name) who was CR member I believe.


    15 hours ago, Moses said:
    On 12/8/2020 at 6:56 PM, Dox17 said:

    love @D96 and @Vitor


    Moses ❤️ love ya too buddy

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Makarov said:

    @Vitor @D96 Wheres Matekitu? any of u guys remember him? i met him in 2012 and he talked a lot about WL

    He was my ref when WSD closed and I joined WL, but no clue where this guy is.


    5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

    If Arroz fully called it quits and you guys started absorbing their members, how many of them would you turn away due to stuff they've done to WL? (Doxing etc) ranks included

    I'd say a good number really, they have some really tight community/members so I believe most of them was involved in a way with that stuff, even if they didn't link or said anything directly to us they still didn't do anything even though their leadership said they were 100% agaisnt it and we even helped to avoid a problem/possible dox between one of our guys and one of their members. So that's why I also respect the NP members that left, they said they were agaisnt it and left when it happened.


    9 minutes ago, The End said:

    1) You guys mentioned earlier you are very content with what you have accomplished since opening on OSRS, and would view this iteration of Wilderland as a huge success even if you closed tomorrow. That being said, are there any specific goals, achievements, or milestones you would like Wilderland to actualize while you are open?


    2) With decline in F2P CWA fights it seems Wilderland has been steadily P2P Pking. Do you see yourself doing any organized P2P fights in the future?


    3) Having recently fought many clans in head-to-head F2P battles, what did you feel the opposing clan did well and what could have they done better in their fights with you? How happy were you with your performance against each?



    -Ancient Fury

    -Echo of Silence

    -Violent Resolution

    -Reign of Terror


    - After hearing the new about a possible 2021 clan cup I want to get the boys together and win most stuff that we can in there. If that doesn't happen, I think one thing I want to keep improving is having better and better fights, making everyone sweat when they fight us, because even these days I feel that there are some people that think we are just monkeys running around (way less people tho)


    - Personally I wish that we can have some P2P fights in the future, I'm not a big fan myself of just hoping around and killing random people/pvmers, and feels that these days it's harder and harder to find teams during pk trips.



    Revenant: They had a solid pile and a really strong ko power, nothing to say that they could've done better really. About our performance, it was decent but I know we could've done better so I want to do that next time we face each other.

    Ancient Fury: They had crazy spam, probably one of the best I've seen so far. We had a good performance agaisnt them, had some issues which made it a little messy but it was alright.

    Echo of Silence: They were fine, I think they did fine for their first fight. They had some low lvls so that's something I'd say they have to work on (and they will). We had a really good performance agaisnt them, I was happy about it.

    Violent Resolution: They were fine as well, probably work on some stuff like spaming more and better styles (?) not sure. Was a really good performance from our side.

    Reign of Terror: They can have a really good piles at some point with good spam but I think some of them are not really used to F2P and get farmed easily. We had some pretty good performance agaisnt them, happy about it.

    Tempest: Great clan to battle, it was really good fights we had it felt that both clans have almost the same ko power and such, sometimes you were superior and others it was us a bit ahead, I really enjoy fighting you guys. We had one fight that went pretty bad but the others we did fine.

    • Like 4
  4. 20 hours ago, The End said:

    1) What ever happened with Brazilian Rigour? Was it ever a thing, or was it a failure from start?

    2) Why did the Vander guy hate Exotic and is he still around?


    Related question:


    3) Given many Exotic officials (MrLolz, Vitor, D96 to name a few) are now leading Wilderland -- do you feel it is much easier to get people hyped and join behind "Wilderland Supremacy" versus if you had tried to open a new clan with a different/new name? I believe you explained to me in the past the reason in 2015 the clan had to be called 'Exotic' that it would have been near impossible to unite everyone using a name of a past clan given the beef from the old days. Looking back do you think 'Exotic' would have enjoyed more success if you instead used the name of a legacy clan (whether that be TCL, Wilderland, or HA)?

    1) I think it was not a failure from start but they didn't have the best leadership to make decisions I'd say. They "bought" the crash war between DF and Ronin and don't think they could handle anything and some other things that just made me think that if they had different leadership they might have done better.

    2) I'm not sure why, it was something before I joined Exotic because when I got there he was a joke for the guys in Exotic. He was in Arroz for some time, don't know if he's still around.


    3) I believe so yes, even though for me it was a surprise that we got so many people from other clans in I'd say some big names wouldn't come back if they heard it was a "random new clan" around. We got a lot of ex-WL's back just because it was their clan coming back and for my surprise we got some members from other clans coming back as well and I'd say it was only because WL was a big name back then, even though they were on the other side, I don't think people like Aiorya (ex TCL Leader) would've joined if it was another Exotic version. 

    I might be wrong here because we never know but I believe that Exotic was a great piece for our success today, just because we managed to get Exotic together and unite atleast some of the people in there made it easier for people to join WL. Because of Exotic I was really good friends with people like @MrLolz and @Lemaster which I'd say helped to get them aboard and they got us some other members during the time. I believe all that plus the fact that everyone got in their head that it's 2020 and not 2010 and we don't have to beef hard anymore and just have fun playing the game together instead was what made the difference.


    21 hours ago, King_Obina said:

    What were your thoughts when you saw a bunch of former old school/high ranked TCL/SOG members applying to WL instead of going to Arroz/trying to spin up a new clan? 

    I knew that they wouldn't join Arroz, if anything make a new clan or bring TCL back. When I saw some of the members joining really surprised me, never thought I'd see some of those names again and fighting for WL but I knew Lemaster wouldn't leave me after what we had during Exotic


    20 hours ago, Eric said:

    Messi or Ronaldinho?

    Maradona or Pelé? 


    Has Bolsonaro's actions have any impact in your clan? 





    Yes, him being dumb made the quarentine last longer than expect so we got to play the game more I guess


    20 hours ago, true said:

    Who is the worst international clan leader you've been led by?

    Hard to say tbh, I've been only part of 3 international clans and all of the leader I had were pretty fine


    14 hours ago, ZEDEUSS said:

    6. Do you think a clan really needs a forum/site nowadays? Because discord is a mix of forum/irc/ts and is very good at all of them. How much do you think wl benefits on having an actual forum?


    7. Truly the only question that matters. Tits or Ass?

    - If you really want to be serious yes, there is some features that Discord can't provide. Sure you can rank people and let them know about events and shit, but you don't have the same orgazation you could have in a forum, and that's a huge difference.


    - ass

    • sus 1
  5. 19 hours ago, true said:

    what is a really funny story regarding wl that never got made public

    I don't have the best memory for this, and I laugh about it now, but I remember we were having some information leaked to some haters (Adenina basically) and I don't know how we tought it was because we had some forum security flaw, because that time we were still using InvisionFree boards, because of this we moved to paid boards and later on we found out it was one of our officials feeding him information lmao.


    Our leader Mataoumorre probably had the best stories, there was one fight agaisnt Dragonwood I think where we had some problems about the ending cap, I believe that it was Sfa pming him to stop the fight at some point and he was like "No we don't stop" "stop my cock", and Sfa posted that quote on Zybez which was filtered to "stop my organ" and that became an inside meme.


  6. 1 hour ago, VirgoVaca said:

    Did you guys allow multi-clanning at any point between Brazilian clans and other country clans? Or did you just have to commit to one Brazilian clan at a time?

    Just one brazilian clan, most people would consider you a traitor if you left your current clan to join any other brazilian clan since most of the time the beef was really hard.


    46 minutes ago, King_Obina said:

    Why WL never joined any luso/br tournaments TCL was in from 2010-2012 ? I feel like you guys, never wanted to give us any action in CWA (even when you had ADJ on your backs crashing and that would have been the cleanest way to fight). 
    Was that a decision made by the whole clan as a group or imposed by leadership?

    Ngl I don't know l0l. Only a small portion of our members really liked clan wars back then and most of our old members never got the most OP items at that time (they would only get 1 item to use it as +1), so that is probably why

    Probably a leadership decision but no one really was agaisnt it since they disliked clan wars and were PvP hungry in a way.


    28 minutes ago, Eric said:

    Do you think a country clan could ever get to #1?


    Do you think brazilian clans have been more sucessful than hispanic ones? if so, which was the key?


    Does the 7-1  vs Germany on the worldcup still hurt? xD


    How hard or easy is for people whose first language isn't portuguese to integrate in your clan? 


    An opinion: Brazilian players in country clans are usually not good members in "main" clans, because whenever both clans require them, they always go for their country clan. Do you agree? Have you have to deal with these kind of situations in the past? How did they turn out?

    Back in the days we had higher chance I'd say, if we ever managed to pull up the "dream clan" with top members from every clan we could put up a fight with most clans, that's for F2P only as there wasn't any brazilian clan doing P2P.


    I think so yes, don't really remember all the hispanic clans but overall we more high quality members all around.


    Fuck man, yes... LOL Tbh, these days most people take it as a joke.


    I think it can be hard since we have people that don't really like to speak english on a daily basis or just don't have a good english. If you take the language barrier away I'd say it's pretty easy if you are chill and want to joke around. 


    I agree in a way, because I don't think a good member would skip your fight to fight for someone else, but that doesn't say that he was a bad warrer or something like that. And yes we had to deal with it, basically we tried to force them to prioritize us over anyone else so if they decided to do that, we would "help" them skip their fights or something like that lmao, it could happen the other way around as well, we had members prioritizing international clans that we knew we couldn't count on them 100%.


    37 minutes ago, true said:

    Was there any talks about reopening WL at the start of OSRS?   

    I think we thought about it but never went forward with the idea, mainly because everyone was agaisnt the idea of training their accounts all over again

  7. 5 hours ago, Mona said:

    What would your -brozilian- dream staff team with only active players right now be like?

    D96, Lemaster, Rmd, Wagnerafael, MrLolz, can list a few more but I believe with these guys would be enough to make a really good staff team at their "peak time".


    5 hours ago, DoSoQi said:

    which clan u used to full prepare or scard to lose to  also which one u used to enjoy fighting vs 

    I think we used to full prepare for most of the fights agaisnt another brazilian clan and also big international clans like once we fought TT. Probably all fights versus TCL and this TT fight was pretty dope.


    3 hours ago, 3lite said:

    First, as a country clan, the vast majority (all?) of your members are Brazilian.  Do you think that is something that has overall been a positive for recruitment (Portuguese speakers would naturally gravitate toward the clan/community) or a negative for recruitment (subsetting the potential member pool to a small part of Runescape's base players)?

    Second, and more selfishly, any thoughts/memories on the following dinosaurs... or any word on where they may have ended up?

    Decceiver (my fellow EH metal lover), S2 Guh S2 (I miss Gustavo and his positive attitude), Afonsosuper, Armorhelmet3, Dark Falco13 (this guy was a wild man), and Thicombra (may be misspelled slightly)

    The EH Brazillian unit was one that we've mostly lost contact with and were really core members of our community.  Hope they're doing well, where ever they are out there.

    - For recruitment it was harder, and by the times goes on it was only getting harder and harder to get new people into the clan. At some point everyone had to 'invest' and make junior clans just so we could recruit fresh blood from those clan wars worlds, back in the days there was a brazillian world so it helped a bit with that, but even then it was hard because when it get to the point that they saw they needed to make an forum account and follow many rules some of them would just give up and not show up anymore. 


    - I never really got to know much of those MMA guys, I heard good things about most of them, I know some of them are still around as a small group of friends, think I've seend Dark Falco around (could be wrong).


    1 hour ago, Pope said:

    I don't know if anyone has asked this or something similar, but I'm far too lazy to look. What do you think is the cause for Brazilians players hating each other so much? Out of all the language-based communities, from the Lithuanians, to the Dutch, to the Fins, and even the Spanish speakers, I've never seen any of the animosity I've seen from the Brazilians compare. And I'd go as for to say that this isn't even just RS, I've witnessed similar activity in other MMOs with Brazilian players. 

    I believe brazilians in general are very passionate about the things they really like and want to stand up for, not only for RuneScape but also in E-Sports or normal sports like soccer, people always go "all in' trying to defend what they like and go agaisnt haters. Sometimes it scales really hard and just because they were from other clan people would dislike each other.


    1 hour ago, ZEDEUSS said:

    1. Why did you ban me from your forum? I did nothing wrong.

    2. Are you not worried that if TCL reopens you will lose a lot of important people?
    3. Do you guys think its even possible to revive the Luso/Brasilian clan world? I have no idea how you guys opened with 80+ people. How much behind the scenes work went into that?

    4. Does anyone actually enjoy the box fights? Because I tried it and to me it was pure cancer, I hope jagex takes entangle and snare from f2p so we can actually drag again and stop with that bullshit.



    HA top #1 - The comments about our lack of quality are outdated and piss me off, because after years of being numbers and fighting against it, in the last year of rs2 we actually had the best quality of all brasilian clans and the results showed it in matched fights.

    - Wasn't me but I guess you did something wrong to be banned buddy

    - No, we keep all TCL in a cage where they cannot open to reopen TCL. On a serious note tho, I think if they were to reopen they woud have done it already before joining WL, so I never worried about anything like this.

    - For a very active scene no, if we have any more clans I feel that everyone would pull 25-30 to fights if anything and that would be no fun for a fight like that.

    - From a caller perspective it can be fun, other than that no. Even tho I dislike snares being F2P it wasn't this that made everyone fight in a box and removing that would not change anything.

    - From my perspective, you guys lost versus WL in a clan wars fight where you had 20~ more people and a TCL member feeding you kill because Mataoumorre had him added so he was leaving cc/portal, and you also lost to TCL in a full out where you had 100 and they had 80~, they won this fight with 50-60~ left IIRC. You had some decent members but they were never able to carry the rest of ur clan in a important fight.

    • Like 2
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  8. 9 hours ago, The End said:

    Were any one of you at this fight where all the Lithuanian and Brazilian clans combined to face off in a Lithuania vs. Brazil huge wilderness war? If so, how did you manage to get all the Brazilian clans to combine forces for this fight? What are your thoughts/memories of this fight? Thanks to @Pjz for providing the vids.

    I was in there, I remember everyone had a plan to something like a team with all brazilians so we could pull big and fight top clans. It never succeded really, felt like no one was trying hard enough because it was X caller from enemy clan or things like that. I remember that fight was really messy with callers all confused on who to go next and stuff like that. I believe we also fought RSD and the same thing happened.


    8 hours ago, adam said:

    Why were Hell Army better?

    Not like this bro... Cmon...


    8 hours ago, Slash Wpr said:

    1. How do you feel about crash wars now? back in the day it was really good to boost activity.

    2. From our perspective, crash wars were really fun. We used to blast music and chat while mass sniping for 2-10 hours a week. How did you guys feel?

    3. WL tried to truce once or twice during our crash war. We refused because our members were enjoying it. Do you think we should have accepted?

    4. Do you still hold any grudge against HA? I'm a lovely person, unban me.

    5. Would you rather fight TCL/HA/MMA again or keep your high numbers?

    6. Do you think TCL members identify themselves as Dragons or Legends?

    7. Do you regret closing after EOC? we could just hop to private servers as pures did.

    8. Do you like our art?

    1. It is the same thing basically but I think nowadays people know better how to do some stuff and counter others.

    2. Crashing was always fun, getting crashed can be different but never bothered me tbh, would hype me up if anything

    3. Tbh I don't remeber at which point this happened (not that it didnt happen), but probably no, that's the only thing I felt you guys had going for you.

    4. Nah, I don't really care tbh

    5. At this point keep high numbers, I don't think if any of those came back it would be possible to have a decent 50v50 and there is no fun in doing low opts fight all the time nowadays imo

    6. @Lemaster told me his dream was to be a Dragon and now @King_Obina always yell WL Supremacy when he wakes up, so I'd say dragons

    7. No, felt it was the end of an era for runescape and for claning in general, even though some people was still doing their things, unless it was 100% for community purpose I don't see a reason to remain open as that time most of us was getting into university and such, just trying to see the outside world I guess lol

    8. Paint sigs are outdated and very untrue imo



    • Haha 1
    • sus 1
    • ned 1
  9. 21 hours ago, Gochance1 said:

    Hello guys, thanks for doing this!


    Most amount of sets lost in a fight? Throughout whole rs career.


    Thoughts on arroz? Are there any ranks or members of arroz you guys are cool with?


    Best fight ever and worst fight ever? why?

    Not really sure, but probably something around 50-60+


    They are w/e, pretty irrelevant at this point. Probably Slyfer, don't know who else still in there.


    Had lots of great fights tbh, I really love all those fights that were competitive/hyped up. DF vs RoT was pretty sick. Worst fight probably some no overheads l0l


    21 hours ago, Eric`` said:

    Have any of you ever played a game called Aika



    20 hours ago, true said:

    in your opinion, who are the most popular Brazilian clanners of all time?

    I'd say someone who was in any international top clan, someone like Felipe Prieb / Leofontes / Luchinot (even though he was only in WL).


    15 hours ago, Kenny said:

    Who is the best Brazilian to play RS? And why is it @Mona?

    Probably anyone but @Mona tbh...


    10 hours ago, Lander said:

    Very interesting read about Brazilian clans and rivarlies. Respect. I have no other questions but.. Do you love Sepultura - Bloody Roots?

    Not really, I know my boy @Matheus really likes stuff like this tho

    • Like 1
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  10. 19 hours ago, The End said:

    When do you guys plan to rescue Slyfer from Arroz like you did to @Leeo?

    I wish we got him because I miss my boy Slyfer


    19 hours ago, Makarov said:

    what was the worst fight you had to attend in WL?

    what was your favorite fight being in OSRS?

    Not gonna lie I have a really bad memorie about specific fights, but I remember it was a pain waking up in the morning (like 7-8AM) because we had to fight someone like Australian Army for some tournament lmfao. I don't remember any fight that was bad but we probably had some.


    If not counting only WL fights I'd say every tournament I participate was really fun with Spartans / Seals / DI. I remember the Downfall vs RoT fight when Gochance smoked them hard, it was pretty fun as well. And for WL I'd say the last few fights were pretty sick, but the one of the fights we had versus Pandemic on clan wars when we had our winning streak was pretty fun as well, it was the first really hyped fight I had after coming back to OSRS. (fuck it's hard to pick one l0l)


    19 hours ago, The End said:

    There is a rumor that is been floating around that the leader of Arroz hired a prostitute and had her role play as @D96 and even branded her forehead with "D96". Then some obscene acts were caught on video and dozens of pictures and video clips were distributed across the interwebs. 

    LMFAO, idk what the guy had in mind but ye, it was nice that our boys got to make a lot new names for Arroz leader so it was probably a good week where we'd laugh at something related to this


    19 hours ago, Adam_ said:

    Thoughts on:












    Thoughts on EoS reopening?


    For the two of you that were in the most recent iteration of DI, how did you enjoy being under Olde Nite? What were any strengths/weaknesses he may have had in contrast to Brian?

    When that version of DI closed did you feel as if it could've/should've been saved, or it was reasonable to close given the state of things (mainly the clan word) at that point?


    When Wilderland reopened did you see it as a long term thing or just for lockdown? For lack of better phrasing, what do you foresee for the future of WL on osrs?


    Thoughts on the current state of the clan world and what needs to be fixed? What could be done to fix that?


    Old clans are reopening and regaining members (yourselves, EoS, VR), what's another clan that you'd like to see come back and why?


    Best / worst clans you've dealt with (setting up fights/general relationships) while in leadership ?


    Most overrated clan of all time?


    Favorite / least favorite clans and why?


    Best official in your opinion from the clans I mentioned at the top of this post (from what you know/personal dealings)?

    DF - Great clan, they have some nice history and a good community, I think that's what kept them alive for this long as well

    Tempest - Great clan, have a lot of good people in and managed to bring back some names that I didn't think would come back to this game. So far looks nice the way the clan was built and the approach they have.

    RoT - This "new members generation" looks a lot weaker than what they had in the past. I think they had decent quality and could've still put up good fights with everyone even without all the shit they pull off

    Arroz - I don't think they are a clan at all, so I will leave it as it is.

    VR - For some reason I never really liked VR, not that I hate them but always had some problems whenever we fought them in the past (not recently tho). Anyways, they are a decent clan and it is nice to see they are still around.

    Rev - Have some really good people that I know in there, looks like a great clan that been doing really well lately

    AF - Don't really know many people in there, but they seem nice and it was nice to see that they came back as well.

    SV - I don't know what they are up to nowadays, think they are just slaving for RoT at this point. I feel they could've done better if they did their own thing tho.

    PD - Don't know much about them as well, they were nice and had some decent fights against them in the past.

    DR - They are fine, I really like the boys in there and I hope they continue doing really good and improving.


    - Always good to see clans reopening really. I think there's always something to add and hope they keep getting people back and wish we can have more fights in the future.


    - Olde is a really nice guy, I think he was alright with his decisions overall and knew what he had to do. I think one thing that might've helped a bit was having a more predominant voice all around, but I always thought he did a great job with the clan. Can't really compare both since I was not part of DI when Brian was leader.

    When you look back I think there is always things you see that you could've done different that might've changed things a bit, but I feel like it was a good point to close at that time and don't think anyone regret that decision.


    - Well, it was more of let's see what we can do during lockdown. I personally never thought this would last this long but it's nice to see that we managed to keep going and stay active even after the big lockdown. I'm not thinking much about the future and just trying to have fun with the boys at this point, I usually say that if we decide to close tomorrow it would be "fine" because we achieved big things already and staying active for this long wasn't really a plan, of course I don't want the clan to close so I'd say I like to get more people back in the future or even more brazilians in the clan so we can keep active and having some decent battles.


    - Tbh, I think that some PvP update could help but in the end it's just about clans mentality and how everyone operates, at this point I don't think anything is going to really change.


    - If we could have both decent numbers I'd say TCL, it is nice to have some rivalry and someone to challange you for the top spot.


    - Worst probably VR, when I was in Exotic we always had some problem with them during and after the fight. Best clan probably some friendly clans we had like Downfall and such, some fights were just easy to set up and shit.


    - Hard to say tbh, but I'd say someone like Hell Army


    - Favorite probably DI, least favorite don't really know


    - From those clans and the ones I know, Ffs M8 is really good guy if he's still ranked.


    20 hours ago, Crest227 said:

    As someone who witnessed the Sog vs Wl beef first hand and was involved in it(Seu Polaco used to invite me to the fights), why do you think that Wl endured the test of time while clans like Sog, Tcl and MMA didn’t? What was the difference maker, who was that person throughout the years to keep the clan alive and guide it through all the different transitions Rs has went through, while everyone else folded?

    Not really how to say it but, I believe WL had that 'never give up' thing so we'd always find a way to make it work and always believed in a way to come back from a slump. I'd say we also had at least one really good leader for each generation so that made it easier imo.


    20 hours ago, Crest227 said:

    Sometimes as the years go by, rivals change, however the people leading those rivals are the same. Name some of Wl’s biggest arch nemesis’s throughout the years, Portuguese speaking clans and English speaking clans? Is there any of those people still around to thia date with bad blood towards Wl from the beefs in the past?

    I don't think they were our biggest arch nemesis but I feel that FOOLS was one of the clans we'd always try to beat because they were always the biggest country clan, other than that probably all other brazilian clans used to hate us (there was some neutral clans as well). I don't think that whoever is still around have bad blood towards us since most of them are in WL now.


    22 hours ago, The End said:

    Country clans were often exempt from the multi-clanning rule most clans had. Did you have a lot of WL pre-EOC also in international clans? I do remember a lot of Exotic in OSRS were in Downfall. Did you feel having members in international clans was more a strength or hinderance? 


    Although it is in the minority, I believe you currently do have some members in other clans (e.g. GEOIDE in VR and @Digg / digeoM in Deathrow).  My question for you is: how do you prevent conflict from interests occurring? For instance, sensitive WL information getting leaked to other clans with shareds, or a scenario where you run into the rival clan in the wilderness (e.g. you're out P2P Pking and run into Deathrow)?

    Yes, I remember we had some members in a few different top clans. I think experience wise it was a strength as they were able to bring new things and help us with that, but on the other side you couldn't count 100% on them since some of them would prioritize the international clan over us.


    I think it is all about how friendly we are with those clans, for instance we are very friendly with DR so we have a different approach with them when it comes times where we run into each other in P2P, so we sometimes off them and other times just try to have a scrap where it's fun for both sides. About leaks there is nothing much we can do to really prevent, but personally I just know whoever is on any other clan and judge by their personalities if I believe that they have any chance of doing any harm, just keep close eye on them. Don't think I ever had much problem since most people like country clans and don't really want to hurt us for their other clan.


    21 hours ago, Howl said:

    Do you think there is currently room in the clan world for more country clans to open? Could you ever see new ones opening (rather than previously closed ones reopening)?

    Not a brazilian clan I think as we don't have many new people that are into PvP anymore sadly. Hopefully there can be new country clans from anywhere tho, I really like them.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, The End said:

    There was a period in OSRS after a large loss streak in CWA (something like 6-7 losses), WL followed up that with an impressive win streak of 9 or so wins against some tough opponents in a small period with basically a fight every day. What do you think contributed most to the big turnaround? 


    Currently, it appears WL do not enjoy CWA events. Why do you think that is, and what can change member's perspective on CWA fights?

    I'd say that we were getting the hang of things and once we got the momentum we kept rolling, we managed to get our core members active and even from before was trying hard to get our member used to new clan wars tactics as most of them never really participated in a OSRS Clan Wars fight. I'd say the one who contributed the most was D96, every staff was really focused on getting everyone in shape and we were always vocal and kept pushing our members foward even when we were losing.


    I feel that most of our members don't enjoy CWA events anymore because we had a time where we basically couldn't get a good fight, every clan was either canceling our fights or pulling 20 and making us fight no overheads which no one really enjoyed. I think having more options to CWA fight when it's 30v30+ can bring some fun back.


    2 hours ago, Howl said:

    If you could change one thing about the current clan world, what would it be?

    If I can say more clans coming back, that would be my option. But also something that would decided who won a PvP would be fun, something like KDA thing.


    2 hours ago, The End said:

    Several New Power members used to be in Arroz, but broke apart from them and some like @Dig Din ended up joining WL. Can you comment more on why that rift happened, and how former Arroz members are finding Wilderland?

    In my opinion they have really different personality, and that was what made them leave Arroz, before they were only in there because it was their only option. I think them joining WL is more of a choice of if you still want to be claning with a country clan, nowadays it is harder to recruit new people and grow your clan from nothing basically. They have pretty strong community and you could see that by the fact they were having fun with their fights, they joining WL imo means they are looking for different kind of action that we can provide hopefully.


    2 hours ago, Eric`` said:

    Do any of you know where Justicero is?

    Not a clue, sorry buddy.


    2 hours ago, Ssj said:

    Whats the biggest pull you've seen from one single brazilian clan?

    We had some big pulls whenever it was a big brazilian fight. I think D96 might be right with 133 but I'm not sure with the exact number.


    2 hours ago, VirgoVaca said:

    Thoughts on the following clans in RS2:

    Monochromatic Brazil

    Hell Army


    The Call of Legends

    Monochromatic Brazil - They had some decent quality in CWA, I think it was a shame they didn't really do PvP as far as I can remember.

    Hell Army - Always felt they were more of a fun clan to be in, don't think they ever had quality to be #1 brazilian clan but at some point had huge numbers and was always fighting for a place at the top.

    MMA -  They were a good clan but I think being neutral for the entire time wasn't really the best choice as most brazilian clans tried to have some rivalry to bump their members.

    TCL - Had a bad start as far as I can remember but grew to be a good clan, was always really good fights between us and I think we would always share the top spots.


    2 hours ago, VirgoVaca said:

    You said in your introduction that currently Wilderland is comprised of members from many different Brazilian clans over time. Do you think there is drama or conflict between former rivals? Are there cliques? How do you manage that drama, if there is any?

    There is no drama, I think everyone is fine already with how things turned out to be, we even have some fun sometimes joking around and such. As for cliques, there is some yes, but I think that most clans has it as it is more like you always hang around the people you identify yourself more.


    2 hours ago, The End said:

    As officials in the new DI -- do you feel you use a lot of the skills you picked up there in leading Wilderland today? 

    Yes, I'd say most of things I picked up from DI was used leading WL today, either from P2P stuff or big fights and how to really be prepare for them.


    2 hours ago, true said:

    Who is the worst official in WL history?

    G8U7 was the warlord that never scheduled any fight at all. Later we had a guy called "BRAZIL" that would scream into his mic and try to hype people, it was his only job basically.



  12. 1 hour ago, true said:

    Do you feel like Brazilians were "looked down upon" by the main clan scene? If so, did that bother you?

    Tell me about WL's last fight before EOC (WL vs TCL + HA + MB)

    Who are WL's main rivals of all time? Which rivals do you respect the least?

    What are your thoughts on current day Arroz? Do you think they're a good clan? Who do you respect the most?

    Who is the best leader in WL history? The best caller?

    - Yes, I'd say mostly because brazilian clans had huge clan beef on Zybez and I believe most people just thought we were monkeys doing our thing lol. Never bothered me really, I was more of doing my own thing making sure everything is fine and not worrying what others thought about us.


    - Tbh I wasn't there, all I know is we smashed the entire brazilian scene with basically 1 main caller on IIRC which was my boy @D96


    - Horn can speak more on the first rivals we had, I believe it was CvC and then MMA + TLW alliance. But imo the main rival was SoG and later on TCL, it was the rivalry we had for years and it was always decent fight. Honestly, respect the least I have to say Hell Army, can't say they were huge rivals because when we started beefing with them we already had a group of people crashing us every fight we had, so it was never a 1v1 beef like we had with TCL.


    - For me it seems as they are a community clan which do some PvP here and there. I think they can be good if they change the entire leadership as I few most of them are just braindead or just don't have much clue what they are doing (you could save 1 or 2 I believe). I'd say probably respect the most Slyfer.


    - I'm not sure who is the best but I believe we had some good times when Ro Arid was leader, there is other people that I could name here but I believe they each had different participation in each era. Probably not the best by far but the ones I really liked was Outllaw and Etsvaldo, as they both were really good and had really good voices as didn't need to scream hard to hype people up.


    1 hour ago, Ssj said:

    Who are the top 3 brazilian tanks of all time?

    Oultlaw, Pkninjas, Moskah, Hellfire. Could probably name a few more, but these are the ones I remember on top of my head.


    1 hour ago, Patrick said:

    rank all the Brazilian clans all time

    #1 WL / TCL

    #2 WL / TCL

    #3 MMA

    #4 Hell Army

    #5 LG

    #6 MB


    1 hour ago, Venenatis said:

    What was it like in the early days of WL and in first returning to osrs?

    How does the WL today compare to the WL of the past?

    Favorite rivalries?

    - I'd say pretty much was teaching how we do things now to the people that probably taught me back then. But my early days of WL was pretty fun since everything was really new to me and I was finally part of a great clan since my previous clan was really small and we'd get smashed any Brazil event there was. Returning to OSRS was also really fun because I never imagined having some people coming back to RuneScape ever again and they did, one of the biggest reasons they did was because WL was open, so this side was pretty fun.


    - WL from the past was always fighting to either keep the #1 brazilian clan or to get it back as the brazilian scene had few other clans, nowadays no other brazilian clan can challange us so feels like we are just having some fun and great events with the boys. Also, another thing that changed is that now we have people that used to hate/camp us on our side lmfao


    - WL vs TCL, I think both clans had their time and at some point both clans was doing really good and you'd never really know who won a fight since the gap wasn't really big.


    1 hour ago, Yoda said:

    Where's ole Netonv?Heard from him?

    He was a good guy, haven't heard of him in a long time tho.


    1 hour ago, The End said:

    Which other country clans and international clans did you enjoy fighting most back in the day?


    What challenges did you face getting so many people back for OSRS in 2020?


    Is the current WL made up mostly up ex-WL or several others from other Brazilian clans?


    What do you like/dislike about the current clan world versus the past?

    - Fools and Dutch clans, always had good fight with them. I think even back then Fools was the strongest country clan but I'd say we would always manage to put up a good fight.


    - First thing was getting everyone to level up, but getting people used to new Clan Wars style of fight and the PvP Box fight was huge.


    - I'd say it's probably 50/50 with the active members, in the early days coming back we had a lot of ex-WL but some of them ended up getting back to their real life stuff and now aren't really active as much.


    - Well, the big thing I'd say is we don't really have a brazilian scene and even the country clan scene is pretty dead so that's something I dislike for the currrent clan world. One thing I really like is that I feel that every fight gets really competitive and that's something I always look up for.


    1 hour ago, true said:

    What is your dream officials lineup of Brazilian/PT officials?

    What were your initial thoughts on Tempest when we opened? How do you view us in current day?

    Who is the best Leader you've been led by? What about them made them a great leader?

    What are the strengths and weaknesses of your current officials team?

    D96 -
    Nathan - 
    Matheus - 
    King Obina -
    Ndo -
    Rmd - 

    - Hard to say really, wish I had a chance to work more with some people but some people I'd put in my dream lineup: D96, Lemaster, Wagnerafael, Oultlaw, Moskah, MrLolz


    - I honestly didn't think you guys would get as many people as you have now, I'm glad you guys did and are doing great. 


    - As I was not part of many clans I can't say someone outside WL, I'd say Wagnerafael was a great leader. I think he was easy to deal with and is a really smart guy that was dealing with everything when we only had to worry it the basics. I pretty much say that when he was leader along side Mataoumorre, he was the one fixing Mataoumorre mistakes.


    D96, he have huge impact in all WL events, from getting people to sign up to deciding what's best to do during the fight. Sometimes he rush some decisions which I don't think it was the best out there but I feel it's the way he works sometimes xd

    Nathan, really smart guy as well and it's a good guy to make sure everything is going well and where it is supposed to be.

    Matheus, he is the guy who 'takes all the punches' and still do his job and is around when it is needed.

    King Obina, great guy who works well with clans decisions and it is always helping whoever needs and dealing with conflicts.

    Ndo, great guy who is friendly with everyone and can be the bridge bringing the voice from the members to all officials

    Rmd, great guy as well, basically knows what needs to be done and deal with stuff pretty easy. Also smart guy that knows when to take things light and when to go hard with some stuff.


    2 hours ago, Howl said:

    This is a dumb question, but I assume you call fights in Portuguese?


    Have you ever had to decline someone's application because their Portuguese wasn't good enough?


    How would you compare your time in WL with time in other clans?

    Yes, we call in portuguese. We actually had a guy who wasn't brazilian but had a really good portuguese so we let him in.


    I'd say some stuff that was very different for me was the styles of fights we had, WL was all about F2P so for example when I joined DI in OSRS all the P2P/RSB stuff was new to me, so in that way I didn't really compare my time in WL with other clans.


    2 hours ago, The End said:

    An Arroz member gave the below rundown of why Arroz was beefing with WL in OSRS around when WL opened (this quote is from early July). Is any of this accurate/true or just a biased tale?

    Don't think it is accurate at all. Our plan was to re-open during lockdown/quarentine as we had a lot people playing, we thought that this wouldn't last as much as it did so we kept in our mind that once everything came back to normal it would be fine if we had to close, nowadays everyone finds a way to come to the fights and I don't think the current officials feels as it's time to close. Just feels like Arroz wasn't ready to be challanged and wanted to recruit the people we got back in the game once we 'were done'.


    2 hours ago, Pietru said:

    Have you ever had spies from international clans who could speak your language  join WL?


    Not that I know tbh, if we ever had was a guy who was already WL spying for someone else.


    2 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

    What do you think are strengths/weaknesses of WL?

    I think we are all really passionate about the fights and such and I think that makes us really competitive sometimes. But also, I'd we have some people that are slow to adapt to some new things that we now have on OSRS.


    2 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

    what are your opinions on my boys King Obina and BigBig OK?!?!? Love those guys!

    Love them, really good friends with both now. Wish I knew them before OSRS

    • heart 1
  13. Runescape Name

    Preferred Name 

    Discord ID

    Current Clan

    Previous Clan History
    Pre-EoC: Wilderland / Collision 

    OSRS: Exotic / Downfall / Damage Inc.

    Are you interested in joining?
    No, just saying hello

    Brief Introduction
    Hello there, my name is Vitor I'm a brazillian a gamer, I've been playing this game for a long time and recently achieved maxed overall. I enjoy playing every kind of game and it's better if I can play with friends so we can get some laught out of it (basically troll games). Overall I'm pretty chill, like to hang around with friends and have some drinks, currently studying/working on being a dev and trying to have some fun with this game once again while being stuck home. I also try my hardest whenever I'm fighting a Steel War.

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