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Posts posted by Howl

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ssj said:

    Haha nah you were a good lad but I remember you being low cmb for like ever.  But there was always potential there shame you went inactive at the time but it makes sense being in school and all ? But yeh I remember you in Envy in the early months for sure. 

    Yeah, I just couldn't bring myself to train at all. I was laughably bad at it. I mean, I didn't even get my first 99 until 2016 (it was mining, go figure).

    I remember after one CWA fight (I think it was like TK or someone?), you pmed me saying TK said I always took forever to bring down. It was a proud moment for my young teenage ego haha.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Ssj said:

    Whowlw? Sup bro, long time. Damn you were yung back then 

    haha yes, my rsn was wHOWLw

    I was pretty young when I was in Envy. I did a lot of things poorly, i.e. having no idea how to grind out levels on my accounts. I wish I could redo it, but alas ?


  3. 10 minutes ago, Vanuckle said:

    Hey Howl, where specifically did you find Tempest from?

    Your event topic on sharkbrew ? saw a "here come the boomers" spam and immediately thought I'd fit in haha

    still missing RSC, sb isn't quite the same

  4. Runescape Name

    Preferred Name 

    Discord ID

    Current Clan
    Legacy (LPC)

    Previous Clan History
    Elite Assasins

    Angelz Vengeance (CWA)



    some others, but not worth mentioning ?

    Are you interested in joining?

    Brief Introduction
    Hi all, I'm Howl. I started clanning in 08/09, stopping after 2011. Most of my time was spent in Envy (2009-2011). I was in school when OSRS started and never had the time to put into a clan. Fast forward to 2018, I trained up an account in a few months with the hope of getting back into clanning. However, I've always preferred F2P warring and the scene didn't seem like something I wanted to get into. The few CWA teams left also closed up. This year (particularly with the pandemic freeing up my time), I've ventured into pure clanning, having joined Legacy. I think there might be something special going on here in Tempest and I thought I'd at least have a look around ?


    Outside of RS, I'm a software developer currently based in Chicago. I boxed in college and pre-pandemic I coached boxing as a side job. I follow most sports to the point where I can at least hold a conversation on them (and win my fantasy league). Otherwise, I enjoy reading, baking, rock climbing, and running.


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