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Old School
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Everything posted by alice

  1. can be irl can be RS i dont really care
  2. i got 900 Euros, some really sweet jewelry,2 GPS, Washers, A signed real Kobe Bryant shirt and some other average clothes (socks some under armors, shirts etc.) some more clothes,more money,more cash, cockolate & lot of other useful stuff
  3. topic title.
  4. @true 2k8how much did u pay for this analysis...
  5. grat
  6. alice


    probs failed my rs goals idk if there was a topic but id imagine it was pet hunting or some shit
  7. post urs if u have it enabled
  8. alice

    Add me

    add me rsn True 2k8
  9. got drunk, did a horrible cm, bon appetite
  10. if i play asg zeah desert and range build but idk if im playin
  11. was a lot of fun ty for fight all
  12. alice

    im back

    actually logged into rs for a couple hours today
  13. is it chat gpt? yes is it funny? yes you are forgiven.
  14. alice

    1 kc pet

  15. ms santa
  16. bill goat1
  17. gratsss sorry i missed :c
  18. grats everyone, sad to be working
  19. nice Too meet you.
  20. ty king
  21. alice

    Da bear

  22. awaken my void
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