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23 Goofball

About Bobicles2

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  1. Massive tile that mate, well played man solid log as well
  2. Exactly I just didn’t wanna brag to be honest
  3. I remember doing these fights in RSD and they just killed me, props for anyone who put the hours in but it was dreadful. I wasn’t there for Df/TT but can only imagine how much it probably went back and forth with clans clinging on till better timezones. I always loved the older days of mini wars and full outs where people returning was NH and people got flamed lol
  4. Shame for what’s left of the clan community really, especially with Rev gone. Hopefully relaxing the rules etc will keep the community going. Can’t knock their history and lot of people wore purple over the years and sounds like they are still going to be in pvp But EOS did this 4 years ago and look how well it’s worked, we’re still undefeated in PvP in 2023.
  5. Looked fun, good to see some F2P action!
  6. Massive gratz guys, b3b 2/3 required purples in like 10 raids or so, absolutely voodoo magic. I bet teamspeak was buzzing!
  7. Huge upgrade man congratulations! In before the B2B
  8. Parole has been granted - Nex jail is over. good work!
  9. Dude @Nanne30how are you this spooned at Mass Nex? Please explain immediately wdf you totally fucked over the MVP as well haha
  10. Very fast returning and strong spam. Clear Tempest win here my man @Nanne30crushing it
  11. Taking absolutely no shit from Whole Unit in your PMs whilst getting a purp - giga chad! Gratz
  12. FIrst every KC and a purple!! Gratz man
  13. Someone I've not seen around in a lonnnggggg time. Hope you're keeping well man
  14. TMRD were up there for a long period, SOL at peek was stronger but TMRD were solid mid tier clan for years back in The Alliance days
  15. - ROT - DS - Di - RSD - TT - DF - EOS - TD - Corr - VR - EH / ST - TMRD - TR / Sol / SE / TRWF / Rune Raiders / Anarchy - Exer / CR / BK / THE Most of those Clans have been higher up the list over time, VR for example, RSD all had spouts at the top. But based on most dominate over the longest periods 🙂
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